12th October is an international day of protest in solidarity with indigenous
people and against global warming - a "Global mobilisation for Mother Earth"
Come and join us to support the "Minga" of indigenous resistance. We support the struggle of Latin American native peoples and protest against the Free Trade Agreement
with the European Union and agro-fuels.
12th October is an international day of protest in solidarity with indigenous
people and against global warming - a "Global mobilisation for Mother Earth"
Come and join us to support the "Minga" of indigenous resistance called by the
Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indigenas (CAOI). We support the struggle
of Latin American native peoples and protest against the Free Trade Agreement
with the European Union and agro-fuels.
MEETING POINTS (Mon 12-10-09)
4:45 Colombian Embassy 3 Hans Crescent SW1 (Knightsbridge tube)
5:30 Peruvian Embassy 52 Sloane Street SW1
5:50 Spanish Embassy Chesham Place SW1
6:30 UK Foreign Office Parliament Street SW1 (Westminster tube)
7pm Department for Energy and Climate Change 3 Whitehall Place SW1 – where we
will join the Agro-fuels don’t ROC(k)! demonstration against renewable energy
subsidies for Agro-fuels called by the Campaign against Climate Change,
Biofuelwatch and Food Not Fuel.
The European Union (EU) plans to open up the Andean region’s services,
natural resources and biodiversity to even greater despoliation by pushing
through Free Trade Agreements that favour multinational corporations. The deals
made behind closed doors by the governments of Colombia and Peru are a threat
to Andean integration. The EU is trying to isolate the progressive governments
of Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Alongside them are the indigenous peoples
and their organisations who were never consulted over the negotiation process.
Indigenous peoples do not recognise the EU agreements because they will destroy
ancestral territorial rights and collective knowledge. The UK government is
particularly responsible for this policy - the former EU Trade Commissioner was
Peter Mandelson who has been replaced by another Labour politician, Baroness
Cathy Ashton.
The UK government is diverting renewable energy subsidies to subsidise power
stations that use agro-fuels. While the UK's last but one factory producing
wind turbines has closed and solar energy firms are struggling, vast "renewable
energy" funding is going to agro-fuels which actually make global warming worse
and threat food security around the world. In Colombia the cultivation of
African Palm for agro-fuels is linked with displacement and violence, while
destroying biodiversity and the fertility of the soil.
The indigenous people have had enough; they will not put up with false
promises, lies and trickery any more. They are out on the streets fighting: to
"liberate Mother Earth" from the destructive alliance between multinational
corporations and local elites, and for a dignified future for their children
and their communities. They are a moral force rising from below to reclaim what
is justly theirs, life itself.
Bolivia Solidarity Campaign · Colombia Solidarity Campaign · Hands Off
Venezuela · Latin American Workers Association · Movement of Ecuadorians in
the UK · Polo Democrático (UK) · Rock around the Blockade ·
P&p Coordinadora Latino-Americana c/o PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ
please click in the link below to download poster:

por favor haga un click en el vinculo arriba para bajar el poster.
Por la vida y la MadreTierra!
12 de Octubre - día internacional de solidaridad con los Pueblos Indígenas y
de protesta contra el calentamiento global - "Minga Global por la Madre Tierra"
Acompáñanos y apoya la Minga de resistencia Indígena organizada por la
Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas (CAOI). Apoyamos la lucha de
los Pueblos Indígenas Latino Americanos y protestamos en contra del Tratado De
Libre Comercio (TLC) con la Unión Europea (UE) y los agro-combustibles.
La UE planea abrir los servicios, los recursos naturales y la biodiversidad de
la región Andina, aumentando el despojo, por medio de Tratados de Libre
Comercio los cuales favorecen a las corporaciones multinacionales. Estas
negociaciones a puerta cerrada con los gobiernos de Colombia y Perú ponen en
peligro la integración Andina. La UE esta tratando de aislar los gobiernos
progresivos de Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela. Con ellos están los pueblos
Indígenas y sus organizaciones las cuales nunca fueron consultadas durante el
periodo de negociación. Los Pueblos Indígenas no reconocen estos Tratados ya
que ellos destruyen sus derechos territoriales ancestrales y su sabiduría
colectiva. El gobierno del Reino Unido es particularmente responsable por esta
política: el anterior Comisionado de Comercio en la UE era Peter Mandelson
quien ha sido remplazado por otro político del mismo partido (Labour) Baroness
Cathy Asthon.
El gobierno del Reino Unido esta desviando los subsidios a la energía
renovable para subsidiar plantas que utilizan agro-combustibles. Solo queda una
fabrica de turbinas de viento en todo el país y las compañías de energía
solar se encuentran al borde de la quiebra. Grandes cantidades de dinero para
la “energía renovable” están siendo desviadas para los agro-combustibles
los cuales contribuyen al calentamiento global y amenazan la seguridad
alimentaria en el mundo. El cultivo de palma Africana en Colombia, para la
producción de combustible, está relacionada con desplazamientos forzado,
violencia, destrucción de la biodiversidad y la fertilidad de la tierra.
Los Pueblos Indígenas ya están cansados, no creerán mas en falsas promesas y
mentiras. Ellos están en las calles luchando para ‘liberar a la Pachamama -
Madre Tierra’ de la alianza destructiva de las multinacionales con las
élites locales, y por el futuro y la dignidad de sus niños y sus comunidades.
Ellos son una fuerza moral que se levanta para reclamar lo que le pertenece, la
vida misma.
4:45 Colombian Embassy 3 Hans Crescent SW1 (Knightsbridge tube)
5:30 Peruvian Embassy 52 Sloane Street SW1
5:50 Spanish Embassy Chesham Place SW1
6:30 UK Foreign Office Parliament Street SW1 (Westminster tube)
Bolivia Solidarity Campaign · Colombia Solidarity Campaign · Hands Off
Venezuela ·Latin American Workers Association · Movement of Ecuadorians in
the UK · Polo Democrático (UK) · Rock around the Blockade ·
P&p Coordinadora Latino-Americana c/o PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ
please click in the link below to donwload poster

por favor haga un click en el vinculo arriba para bajar el poster.