(photo: Morten Melhede /
received anonymously (translation):
"Incendiary attack on the Museo de Caza Benito Albarrán by the FLA in Guadalajara, Mexico
In the darkness of the early morning of October 8, our cell slipped into one of the most luxurious areas of our city, where we found a place that exhibited animal corpses as trophies, hunted by one of the wealthiest men in Guadalajara, who thought that he could abuse animals without getting his just deserts; over 11 liters of gasoline were sprayed on the facade of the building and a message was left: 'RESPECT WILDLIFE AND THE EARTH F.L.A.' An incendiary device was set and we slipped into the darkness like shadows.
We want to make it clear to the media and to the police that our group is not just a gang of 'teenagers' without any ideological foundation; our foundation is in freedom and respect for all beings that exist, because of it we fight to abolish the anthropocentrism which is guilty of the killing of the land and the domination of animals. We emphasize that our attacks will continue and our actions will be more and more effective.
Frente de Liberacion Animal/Animal Liberation Front Guadalajara Mexico"
Media has reported that approximately 1,000 mink were released from cages at a farm in Eksjo, Sweden early on October 5.
Water pipes and equipment at the farm were also damaged. It was the fourth time that the farm had been targeted, most recently in April*.
The farmer has announced that the farm will close.

anonymous report:
"In North London various Zippos Circus vehicles were sprayed up and glued up last night in the name of the ALF. Animals are not property of the circus and compassionate people will not stop taking action until this slavery ends."
reported anonymously (translation):
"Santiago, between October 3 and 4, $hile. There are many reasons why we went out to disrupt the order of those who we consider our enemies. During an impromptu tour of the disgusting city, we found bourgeois property, butchers, doctors and bankers, those who protect and maintain their lives through this nauseating system of domination, those who love the monotony of work-consumption, aiming to get just a little power, that's what gives them the tranquility they need to sleep at night.
We sabotaged:
- 4 luxury cars (3 4x4 trucks and 1 car) had their tires split.
- 4 luxury cars were scratched with a sharp, metal tool, leaving chaotic designs ruining the expensive paint jobs.
- 6 meat markets ended-up with the locks on the doors and the padlocks on their shutters sealed with metal pieces and superglue.
- A psychiatric clinic was left with its doors glued.
- A BancoEstado bank branch was attacked with stones, resulting in two windows and the entry door shattered.
Symbols of progress and power, leading promoters of environmental destruction, from toxic substances and the use of fuel to the disgusting smoke they spew as they drive, they build the roads deforesting and killing thousands of natural hectares and following their progress lie the cold bleeding bodies of so many animals. Because of this we decided to attack these machines.
Mutilated and piled up bodies as mere objects of consumption, this is the image that doesn't bother anyone, with a blindfold over their eyes; anthropocentrism is responsible for making humans believe they are masters of the Earth, exploiting for their own well-being everything that exists on the planet. It's because of this that we glued the meat markets, where the butchers had to replace and repair the locks and padlocks.
Centers of conditioning, repressors of inherent impulses that pigeonhole people according to their conduct; institutions that seek to change and mold us so we are adapted to their instruments of control, committed to exterminating all dissenting ideas of normalcy and order; that's why we sealed the doors of a psychiatric clinic, while officials were still inside. In this place they don't lock up the people who write diagnoses.
Institutions that promote exploitation and progress at the expense of crushing and enslaving people, animals and the earth.
For capitalism everything is a source of power and profit; introducing the ideology of power throughout the world, disguised in multiple forms; it is because of the power that the banks represent that we attacked a bank branch; with a large stone we hit the metal structure, breaking two windows and the door.
We know that these acts of sabotage were not an impediment to the targets and they will continue their work; it was only a momentary break and an inconvenience to those who saw the extent of our exploits.
This is a minimal gesture of solidarity and a greeting for all those who have felt the enemy's blows on their skin, who have been encaged and separated from their loved ones. We salute our comrade Axel Osorio, who has demonstrated that the cages did not stop him and that his struggle continues from the dungeons, and to Cristian Cancino, accused of being a supplier of gunpowder, to comrades Pablo Carbajal and Matías Castro accused of the attack on the PDI. To comrades Daniel and Francisco, recently on trial in Italy for robbery and subversive association. To our comrades in Greece accused of belonging to a cell responsible for bombings, a cell which continues attacking, showing the futility of the powerful who accuse people who are unrelated to the attacks. To comrades in Mexico, where the powerful also kidnapped a comrade, holding him responsible for the September bombings, comrades stronger than the powerful who try to stop the attacks on authority.
The war has also cost the deaths of many comrades throughout the world, recently it took away our friend Mauri from us, the product of an accident that could have been avoided. Mauri will be remembered as the warrior that he was, loving comrades and desiring the death of enemies, a savage in the war against society, Mauri this is for you and as well as all the actions that are still to come!
For the companion Diego Rios, who 4 months ago made his escape and went underground refusing to fall into the hands of the authority. To him we say, flee, Diego, run and continue to expose the vulnerability of the powerful, from here we embrace every word of your communiques and with these actions we salute you.
We invite all the comrades who read this message to continue attacking the powerful on all fronts. We salute in the spirit of war, and we send our strength through action.
This is just the beginning!
Banda Salvaje e Insurrecta en Guerra Contra la Dominación [Wild Insurgent Group in the War Against Domination]"
received anonymously:
"On Friday 3nd October 2009 a fish was Liberated from a stand at a fairground where it was going to be used as a prize. There where many fish on the stand all being treated as toys not the living feeling individuals that they are, all in tiny plastic bags barely big enough for the fish to turn around. After repeated attempts to kill him/her by the staff on the stand, the fish was taken by to a safe house where it is currently awaiting rehoming.
Until all are Free!"
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