325 #7 Features “International Resistance News”, “Conversation on Affinity Groups, Intermediate Struggle and Insurrection”, “Texts from the Greek Insurrection”, “Why a Vanguard? The Organisational Question”, “Insurrectionalist Anarchism - Informal Organisation”, “Letter from Francesco Gioia”, “Germany 2009 - An Overview”, “Agitations in Italian Prison”, “Attack the Arms Factories - Solidarity with the EDO defendants”, “About the Prison Revolt in Caxias, Portugal”, “Letter from Vigo”, “A Tale of Sand, & Those Who Feed From It”, “Black Bloc Communique, Strasborg anti-Nato”, “In Gaza Like Everywhere”, “Secrets & Lies”, “Repression & Reports” + an extensive section about the anarchist resistance in Chile, an exclusive excerpt from the new Elephant Editions book, “Adios Prison” by Juan Jose Garfia (as spoken by Xose Tarrio) and much, much more.
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30.09.2009 09:58
No Prisons
My mother
30.09.2009 13:35