“What does imperialism mean? It means the assertion of absolute force over others.” -- Robert Lowe 1878
The G-20 ministers declared their meeting in Pittsburgh a success, but as Rob Kall reports in OpEdNews.com, the meeting’s main success was to turn Pittsburgh into “a ghost-town, emptied of workers and the usual pedestrians, but filled to overflowing with over 12,000 swat cops from all over the US.”
This is “freedom and democracy” at work. The leaders of the G-20 countries, which account for 85% of the world’s income, cannot meet in an American city without 12,000 cops outfitted like the emperor’s storm troopers in Star Wars. And the US government complains about Iran.
The US government’s complaints about Iran have reached a new level of shrillness. On September 25 Obama declared: “Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow.” The heads of America’s British, French, and German puppet states added their two cents worth, giving the government of Iran three months to meet the “international community’s demands” to give up its rights as a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty to nuclear energy. In case you don’t know, the term “international community” is shorthand for the US, Israel, and Europe, a handful of arrogant and rich countries that oppress the rest of the world.
Who is breaking the rules? Iran or the United States?
Iran is insisting that the US government abide by the non-proliferation treaty that the US originated and pushed and that Iran signed. But the US government, which is currently engaged in three wars of aggression and has occupying troops in a number of other countries, insists that Iran, which is invading and occupying no country, cannot be trusted with nuclear energy capability, because the capability might in the future lead to nuclear weapon capability, like Israel’s, India’s, and Pakistan’s–all non-signatories to the nuclear proliferation treaty, countries that, unlike Iran, have never submitted to IAEA inspections. Indeed, at this very moment the Israeli government is screaming and yelling “anti-Semite” to the suggestion that Israel submit to IAEA inspections. Iran has submitted to the IAEA inspections for years.
In keeping with its obligations under the treaty, on September 21 Iran disclosed to the International Atomic Energy Agency that it is constructing another nuclear facility. The British prime minister Gordon Brown confused Iran’s disclosure with “serial deception,” and declared, “We will not let this matter rest.”
What matter? Why does Gordon Brown think that Iran’s disclosure to the IAEA is a deception. Does the moronic UK prime minister mean that Iran is claiming to be constructing a plant but is not, and thus by claiming one is deceiving the world?
Not to be outdone in idiocy, out of Obama’s mouth jumped Orwellian doublespeak: “The Iranian government must now demonstrate through deeds its peaceful intentions or be held accountable to international standards and international law.”
The incongruity blows the mind. Here is Obama, with troops engaged in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan demanding that a peaceful nation at war with no one demonstrate “its peaceful intentions or be held accountable to international standards and international law.”
It is the US government and its NATO puppet states, and militarist Israel, of course, that need to be held accountable to international law. Under international law the US, its NATO puppets, and Israel are war criminal governments. There is no doubt about it. The record is totally clear. The US, Israel, and the NATO puppet states have committed military aggression exactly as did Germany’s Third Reich, and they have murdered large numbers of civilians. Following the Fuhrer’s script, “the great democratic republics” have justified these acts of lawlessness with lies and deceptions.
Rudy Giuliani, the former US Attorney who framed high profile victims in order to gain name recognition for a political career, keynoted a rally against Iran in New York on September 25. According to Richard Silverstein at AlterNet, the rally was sponsored by an Israeli lobby group and an organization with connections to an Iranian terror organization (probably financed by the US government) that calls for the violent overthrow of the Iranian government.
The efforts to build pressure for acts of war against Iran continue despite the repeated declaration from the IAEA that there is no sign of an Iranian nuclear weapons program, and despite the reaffirmation by US intelligence agencies that Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program years ago.
Meanwhile, the US and Israeli governments, who are so solicitous of international law and holding accountable countries that violate it, have moved to prevent the report of Judge Richard Goldstone from reaching the UN Security Council.
Judge Goldstone’s report found Israel guilty of war crimes in its massive military assault against civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza.
The continuous efforts of the world’s two militarist-aggressor states–the United States and Israel–to demonize Iran was addressed by Ahmadinejad in his speech to the UN General Assembly (September 23). Ahmadinejad spoke of the assault on human dignity and spiritual values by the selfish material interests of the US and its puppet states. Seeking hegemony “under the mantle of freedom,” the US and its puppets use “the ugliest methods of intimidation and deceit” to disguise that they are “the first who violate” the fundamental principles that they espouse and apply to others.
Why, Ahmadinejad asked the UN General Assembly, do the countries of the world sit there while Israel murders and dispossesses the Palestinian people?
Why, asked Ahmadinejad, do the countries of the world sit there while the US, from thousands of miles away, sends troops to the Middle East, “spreading war, bloodshed, aggression, terror and intimidation in the whole region,” while blaming the countries that are suffering the West’s naked aggression?
Ahmadinejad told the General Assembly what most of the UN representatives already know, that “selfishness and insatiable greed have taken the place of such humanitarian concepts as love, sacrifice, dignity, and justice. . . . Lies have taken the place of honesty; hypocrisy has replaced integrity, and selfishness has taken the place of sacrifice. Deception in foreign affairs is called foresight and statesmanship, looting the wealth of other nations is called development efforts; occupation is said to be a gift that promotes freedom and democracy; and defenseless nations are subjected to repression in the name of defending human rights.”
It could not be put any clearer. However, if Ahmadinejad’s speech is reported by the US print and TV media, statements will be taken out of context and used to enrage the conservatives and Christian Zionists in order to unify them behind the Obama/Israeli assault on Iran.
America will not be satisfied until, like Rome, she has more enemies and more wars than she can survive.
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They're all in bed together
28.09.2009 07:45
When the US encouraged Saddam to invade Iran in 1980, it knew that this action would backfire any attempt at overthrowing the new regime which was despised and hated by the vast majority of Iranians, and would rally Iranians behind the Islamic Republic, including the Kurds, who are Sunni and were adamantly against the new Shi'a theocracy. Were it not for that war, the regime would have barely lasted a year.
The Islamic Republic was also the only country in the world to oppose the Taliban with any military force, while the US under Clinton attempted to establish diplomatic connections with the Taliban and failed. After the Taliban killed Iranian diplomats in 1998, the Islamic Republic was prepared to go to war with the Taliban, but under pressure from Clinton, didn't. Instead Clinton promised Iran to bombard Taliban in exchange for intelligence about al-Qaeda from the Northern Alliance.
Two days before 9/11, Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud was assassinated by al-Qaeda under direct orders from Bin Laden, who made a deal with Mullah Omar that if he could kill Ahmad Shah, then Mullah Omar would hand over military control of the Taliban to him and officially make Bin Laden the Commander-In-Chief of the Taliban.
Right after the assassination of Ahmad Shah, Iran released all documents and intelligence reports about the 9/11 attacks to the US. Without Iranian intelligence and support after 9/11, the US coalition could not have toppled the Taliban or ousted Saddam from power in 2003.
Israeli Defence Chief Ehud Barak has stated recently that Islamic Republic does not pose an existential threat to Israel. Iran reformists led by Rafsanjani and Mousavi have stated that Islamic Republic should open dialogue with Israel and stop funding of Hezbollah and Hamas. Iranians have recently demonstrated against continued funding and support of Hezbollah and Hamas and demand that those funds go to the people, not to terrorist groups. Islamic Republic pushed Hezbollah to kidnap the Israeli soldiers, which triggered the Israeli offensive, and speculation in Iranian pro-reform media has pointed to VEVAK (successor to SAVAK) tipping Mossad about the kidnapping because Islamic Republic feared Hezbollah was growing too strong and autonomous and wanted to weaken their hold in Lebanon.
US and Israel would never launch any attack against Iran because of all this history and the continued secret dealings between the three. Trita Parsi's book is highly recommended. The entire rhetorical exchanges between US, Israel, and Iran is just a show to pressure Iran to leave the Russia-China sphere of influence and move back into the Western sphere. This has been going on for years. The West has no interest in regime change in Iran because it offers no advantages to them - with democracy in Iran, the price of oil would skyrocket, and the nuclear program would continue.
The Islamic Republic is the best friend the US and Israel have had since the Shah. The West doesn't care about the Iranian people - they only care about keeping the Iranian people oppressed and economically ruined so that the mullahocracy can keep funneling money into Western pockets.
Nima Mohammadi
Homepage: http://hopoi.org/
the New Great Game
28.09.2009 11:20
Trita Parsi wrote recently about this document:
"The Iranian proposal is best understood not from the prism of the West's focus on the nuclear program, but from the vantage point of Iran's long standing objective to be recognized as a regional power with a permanent seat at the table of regional decision making. Iran believes it suffers from severe role deficit -- though it is one of the most powerful countries in the region, its neighbors view it by and large as a disruptive, anti-status quo power and have consequently refrained from giving it access to recognized and institutionalized avenues of influence.
After all, the reigning order in the Middle East is one defined and upheld by the United States, which for the past thirty years has sought Iran's isolation and exclusion, not its inclusion and rehabilitation. Breaking out of this isolation and forcing Washington and the regional capitols to grant Iran the role it craves have been overarching strategic goals of Iranian foreign policy for several decades now.
Iran believes that the nuclear stand-off provides it with an opportunity to achieve this objective. By broadening the agenda for negotiations, Iran takes the opportunity to discuss with the great powers matters where the views of the Iranian government hardly have been taken into account in the past. The broader aim is to institutionalize the great power's recognition of Iran's role and seat at the table."
P5+1 = the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany
Homepage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Great_Game
Who is in bed with whom Nima?!
28.09.2009 11:36
You are quoting Trita Parsi, the president of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC).
Parsi is not any less deceptive than Iran's former presidents, namely Rafsanjani and and Khatami, who are clearly doing a great service to the US by destabilising their own country in the run up to the next imperial invasion.
Here's an excerpt from "Interference via Twitter, Dreyfuss and NED":
National Endowment for Democracy (NED) – National Iranian American Council (NIAC) in Cahoots
One organization, out of a few dozen, through which the U.S. interferes in
the internal affairs of Iran is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED),
an agency that is funded both by Congress and private sources whose
objectives are furthering the U.S. foreign policy interests in other
countries. In Iran this goal actualizes in overthrowing the Islamic
Republic that was the product of the 1979 Revolution. In the 1980’s,
President Ronald Reagan was the architect of the NED, and the primary
reason for its creation was to do overtly, the operations that the CIA had
long done covertly. This quasi- intelligence organization in the late
1970’s was involved in Nicaragua, in 1990 in the Bulgarian election, in
1991 in the Albanian election, in the years between 1990-92, NED financed
the Cuban-American National Foundation, in 1992 in the Mongolian election,
during the Clinton Administration NED was active in Haiti and in 2002
nearly succeeded in overthrowing President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
The NED has been active in the Iranian communities for nearly three
decades, granting hundreds of thousands of dollars to the opposition
groups. According to the June 23, 2007 article in the on-line Foreign
Policy Journal, “NED gave $345,000 to the Abdorrahman Boroumand
Foundation (ABF)”. Another organization that has benefited from the NED
funding has been the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), which
fetched $25,000 in 2002, $64,000 in 2005, and $107,000 in 2006. The
grants were designed to expand the NGO’s outreach and capacity in Iran,
and foster communication between the opposition groups in Iran and the
international organizations operating under the cover of civic
societies. The president of NIAC is Dr. Trita Parsi who in his
frequent appearances on CNN in the aftermath of the Iranian election
claimed that Iran would be considered at fault, if under the Obama
Administration it does not reach an agreement with the U.S. Obviously
for receiving a total of $196,000 in the period between 2002-2006, this is
the least Trita Parsi could do for NED.
By being exposed as one of the biggest recipients of NED’s funds, NIAC,
in the eyes of patriotic Iranians, is a U.S. foreign policy instrument
used as a battering ram against the Islamic Republic’s policy
To spoon feed Iranians the position of the conservative faction of the
U.S. government, NIAC engineered a survey of its own members and then
declared the results as the representative view of the Iranian -American
community as a whole. The poll is severely skewed in several respects:
a. It is too small to be a representative opinion of the Iranians in
general; and b. This small poll is taken primarily from the
wealthy Iranians in NIAC.
According to the figures and policy adopted by NIAC in its August 12, 2009
announcement “61.4% believe that with regard to Iran, the U.S. government
should put diplomacy on hold…” and “a slight majority 50.2% favor
targeted political and economic sanctions…” Should we give the bosses
of NIAC all benefit of the doubt, these figures only show how conservative
the membership of NIAC is and to what extent they are the friends of the
Iranian people.
link to the article:
taliban toppled ?
28.09.2009 11:50
"Right after the assassination of Ahmad Shah, Iran released all documents and intelligence reports about the 9/11 attacks to the US. Without Iranian intelligence and support after 9/11, the US coalition could not have toppled the Taliban or ousted Saddam from power in 2003. "
What intelligence reports about 9/11, that three buildings appear to have curiously collapsed on to their own foot prints in New York ?
Well, remember the Maine, 15th February 1898, and to hell with Spain !
inside job
Pointless fearmongering of far-left/far-right lunatics
28.09.2009 12:13
Here is a fact for you to chew on: no current US, UK, French, or German leader has ever advocated or suggested full scale invasion of Iran. There has only been suggestion of "military action" which would only mean strikes against nuclear and military facilities. No Western leader currently in power has suggested anything like the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and all current Western leaders have made it clear that military strikes are a "last resort option".
Every year now since 2002 there have been people from the lunatic fringe drumming up pointless fearmongering that there is going to be war against Iran and each year passes disproving the theory. Even in Israel the Defence Chief has said there will be no military action since Iran is not an existential threat. But do you see that being reported widely anywhere??? No, because it's not bad news, and only bad news means big money for the big media powers.
My observation is people who make the most noise about the "next imperialist invasion" are the same people who love Islamists and want the people of Iran to continue suffering under the yoke of the mullahocracy.
If they love the Islamic Republic so much, if Dear Leader Khamenei is such a wonderful and democratic man, if life in Islamic Republic is such paradise, why don't those who oppose any condemnation of the regime move there?
The regime terrorises the people of Iran everyday, but the lunatic fringe on the far-left ignore this and keep talking about the "next imperialist invasion", which suggests a deliberate attempt to distract from the regime's terrorism against the Iranian people and to support the regime's continued existence and oppression of the Iranian people.
So, who's in bed with who?
Nima Mohammadi
Re: inside job
28.09.2009 12:21
Take your tin foil hat off. Iran's intelligence agency VEVAK was receiving reports months before 9/11 about the attacks from Ahmad Shah/Northern Alliance but didn't uncover the full details of the attacks until Ahmad Shah's assassination. Both VEVAK and Ahmad Shah had warned the US through European go-betweens that al-Qaeda was planning a major attack but these warnings were ignored by the US.
These facts are extremely well known and confirmed by both Northern Alliance and Iranian Foreign Ministry. Only conspiracy nuts with no intelligence still believe Bin Laden is innocent and 9/11 was "inside job".
Nima Mohammadi
28.09.2009 13:20
Mahnaz Zabihi
Re: Offside
28.09.2009 13:38
Could it be because they want to focus on eliminating Taliban completely and finish the job that Bush put on pause to go on adventure in Iraq? Taliban still exists you know, and has regained control of most of the country.
Though you are obviously not Mahnaz Zabihi from the movie "Offside", it was a good movie and shows the craziness of living in Iran under the mullahocracy.
Nima Mohammadi
Here we come, Walking down the street ...
28.09.2009 13:51
speak no protest, see no protest, hear no protest
Still Offside
28.09.2009 16:01
Nima, I hope you are correct, for what ever reason.
"Could it be because they want to focus on eliminating Taliban completely and finish the job that Bush put on pause to go on adventure in Iraq? Taliban still exists you know, and has regained control of most of the country."
It appears that you are in agreement with the idea of having a further 40,000 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Perhaps, using your own logic, the Taliban are also the "best friend the US have had" in that they can be used as an excuse to continue the war and occupation?
Safdar Samandar
The price of imperialism
28.09.2009 16:47
Perhaps you would have more credibility if you were not going to IMDB and using Iranian actors names?
To answer your question, if 40,000 US troops are going there with the intention to destroy Taliban completely, then of course any civilised right-thinking human will agree with that. If US, UK, and other coalition forces leave, Taliban will takeover Afghanistan completely and everything will return to the way things were pre-9/11, which was a lot worse than they are now.
I have been to Kabul several times in recent years and while it is bad, it is nowhere as bad as it was under Taliban. Almost everyone there agrees with having coalition forces continuing to fight Taliban, and only hardline Islamists view the coalition presence as "occupation".
Women have more freedom now and can work and go to university, teenage girls have a right to education, boys can play sports and do all the other things you take for granted here in the UK. But Kabul is the only place in Afghanistan where people have this kind of freedom. Outside of Kabul, the country is in chaos and mostly under Taliban control and other warlords. The reason that this is so is thanks to the focus on Iraq since 2003 by the US and UK.
I would love to see how you and other people who oppose the "occupation" of Afghanistan would react if you got your wish. Would you move there and live happily under Taliban rule? Because that is what would happen since Afghan forces are not able enough to handle the resistance against Taliban on their own, and Iran will enter into the conflict as long as the Western powers oppose the nuclear program.
It is fine to indicate the problems and oppose the war, but such people never offer real solutions.
The US/UK and allies invaded Afghanistan - they didn't have to. They could have bombarded Taliban and let Iran and the Northern Alliance handle the rest, which is what both Iran and Northern Alliance suggested prior to the invasion. Ground invasion of Afghanistan by coaltion forces was a mistake.
But it was a mistake that the US/UK and allies will have to fix. You cannot invade a country, occupy it for years, wage a war unsuccessfully, and just pack up and leave and hope the problem goes away because the problem will only get worse. Russia made that same mistake and Taliban rose to power.
The Afghan people are expecting that the US/UK and allies who helped create the problems there to begin with, to fix what they ruined. That is the price that imperialist powers have to pay for waging imperialism.
Nima Mohammadi
28.09.2009 17:10
It should also be clear that the West needs Iran to gain any permanent victory over Taliban and restore order to Afghanistan and Iraq. Everyone knows that without Iran there can be stabilising of the two countries. Which is another reason the West and Israel would have to be insane to launch any attack against Iran. Not going to happen unless the West is willing to deal with another war against a guerrilla force, this time the Revolutionary Guards and Lebanese Hezbollah units stationed in Khuzestan, Teheran and Qom.
The EU is intent on keeping to the carrot/stick approach, and there is no indication that Obama will change that. This is a war of words and rhetoric, a new Cold War. During years and years of Soviet rule, everyone kept worrying about war between the East and the West that never happened. In the end the Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight. Same will happen with Iran. The regime is standing on its last legs. The Western powers unfortunately, with Russia and China, want to make sure the regime doesn't die away so quickly.
Nima Mohammadi
Nima vs RAWA
28.09.2009 18:11
"I have been to Kabul several times in recent years and while it is bad, it is nowhere as bad as it was under Taliban. Almost everyone there agrees with having coalition forces continuing to fight Taliban, and only hardline Islamists view the coalition presence as "occupation".
Dunno who this character is, but really not very trustworthy in my opinion.
RAWA* has this to say:
"While our grieved people are burying the torn bodies of their loved ones in mass graves; the traitor lackey Said Tayeb Jawad, in his comfort in the USA, tries to dim the war crimes of his masters and about the killings of civilians, shamelessly salts people’s wounds saying, “this is a price we have to pay if we want security and stability in Afghanistan, the region and the world.”!"
They go on to say:
"The only way our people can escape the occupant forces and their obedient servants is to rise against them under the slogans of: “Neither the occupiers! Nor the bestial Taliban and the criminal Northern Alliance; long live a free and democratic Afghanistan!”
Nima seems to have more in common with this Said Tayeb Jawad than with RAWA - and personally I'd rather lunch with RAWA than with him.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Association_of_the_Women_of_Afghanistan
Dubious Dave
le fifty-fifty ball
28.09.2009 18:41
Ah ... a "good war" which "any civilised right-thinking human" will support -- spreading democracy and all that, yada, yada, yada.
"The Afghan people are expecting that the US/UK and allies who helped create the problems there to begin with, to fix what they ruined."
"That is the price that imperialist powers have to pay for waging imperialism."
218 dead british soldiers at the last count, and rising, that's one quantification of price.
"It is fine to indicate the problems and oppose the war, but such people never offer real solutions. "
Shayesteh Irani
President Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN General Assembly
28.09.2009 19:20
If you read the excerpt below, you will see why the rotten corporate press was more interested in covering Libyan President Qaddafi's speech than that of his Iranian counterpart:
"Clearly, continuation of the current circumstances in the world is impossible. The present inequitable and unfavorable conditions run counter to the very nature of human kind and move in a direction which contravenes the truth and the goal behind the creation of the world.
It is no longer possible to inject thousands of billions of dollars of unreal wealth to the world economy simply by printing worthless paper assets, or transfer inflation as well as social and economic problems to others through creating sever budget deficits. The engine of unbridled capitalism with its unfair system of thought has reached the end of road and is unable to move. The era of capitalist thinking and . imposition of one's thoughts on the international community, intended to predominate the world in the name of globalization and the age of setting up empires is over. It is no longer possible to humiliate nations and impose double standard policies on the world community.
Approaches in which realization of the interests of certain powers is considered as the only criteria to weigh democracy, and using the ugliest methods of intimidation and deceit under the mantle of freedom as a democratic practice, and approaches through which sometimes dictators are portrayed as democrats, lack legitimacy and must be totally rejected.
The time has come to an end for those who define democracy and freedom and set standards whilst they themselves are the first who violate its fundamental principles. They can no longer sit both the judge and the executor and challenge the real democratically- established governments.
The awakening of nations and the expansion of freedom worldwide will no longer allow them to continue their hypocrisy and vicious attitudes. Because of all these reasons most nations including the people of the Untied States are waiting for real and profound changes. They have welcomed and will continue to welcome changes.
How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue; to force the entire population of a country out of their homeland for more than 60 years by resorting to force and coercion; to attack them with all types of arms and even prohibited weapons; to deny them of their legitimate right of self-defense, while much to the chagrin of the international community calling the occupiers as the peace-lovers, and portraying the victims as terrorists.
How can the crimes of the occupiers against defenseless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments, and at the same time, the oppressed men and women be subject to genocide and heaviest economic blockade being denied of their basic needs, food, water and medicine.
They are not even allowed to rebuild their homes which were destroyed during the 22-day barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime while the winter is approaching. Whereas the aggressors and their supporters deceitfully continue their rhetoric in defense of human rights in order to put others under pressure.
It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U.S., to attain its racist ambitions.
It is not acceptable that some who are several thousands of kilometers away from the Middle East would send their troops for military intervention and for spreading war, bloodshed, aggression, terror and intimidation in the whole region while blaming the protests of nations in the region, that are concerned about their fate and their national security, as a move against peace and as interference in others' affairs. Look at the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is no longer possible to bring a country under military occupation in the name of fight against terrorism and drug trafficking while the production of illicit drugs has multiplied, terrorism has widened its dimensions and has tightened its grips, thousands of innocent people have been killed, injured or displaced, infrastructures have been destroyed and regional security has been seriously jeopardized; and those who have created the current disastrous situation continue to blame others. How you can talk about friendship and solidarity with other nations while you expand your military bases in different parts of the world including in Latin America. This situation cannot continue. It is all the more impossible to advance expansionist and inhuman policies on the basis of militaristic logic. The logic of coercion and intimidation will produce dire consequences, exacerbating the present global problems.
It is not acceptable that the military budget of some governments exceeds far larger than those of the entire countries of the world. They export billions of dollars of arms every year, stockpile chemical and biological weapons, establish military bases or have military presence in other countries while accusing others of militarism, and mobilize all their resources in the world to impede scientific and technological progress of other nations under the pretext of countering arms proliferation.
It is not acceptable that the United Nations and the Security Council, whose decisions must represent all nations and governments by the application of the most democratic methods in their decision making processes, be dominated by a few governments and serve their interests. In a world where cultures, thoughts and public opinions should be the determining factors, the continuation of the present situation is impossible, and fundamental changes seem to be unavoidable."
link to the full transcript of this speech:
I don't want Iran to have nuclear technologies
28.09.2009 21:19
They are always bleating on about how evil the west is etc etc
It seems a pointless risk to let them have the building blocks to nuclear weapons.
A lot of people here seem to be going on about "fairness", ie. why can't Iran have nuclear technology if other countries have it. Its not a game a cricket - why should it be fair?
Fairness just means letting your guard down which seems pointless to me.
Map of US military presence accross the World
28.09.2009 22:20
US military presence per country (2009) Map by David Vine
Let's face it, the US military-industrial complex is the mother of global terrorism.
David Vine
Homepage: http://www.no-bases.org/assets/images/Bases%20Map%20VINE%20SUPERMAP_1.gif
Re: diplomacy
29.09.2009 04:24
I would love to see you personally go to Afghanistan and enter into diplomacy with Taliban. Iran tried that once - all their diplomats were returned in body bags with their heads chopped off.
But if you are willing to go to Taliban and be a diplomat to them, be my guest. Be sure to make your funeral arrangements before you leave.
Nima Mohammadi
Afghan war and women
29.09.2009 18:48
Short of that unlikely figure, the occupation of Afghanistan will fail. Afghan troops can't be included in that because the Afghan army believe they are losing and so are defecting to the Taliban - a Ch4 news report last week showed 70 troops drive up to 10 Taliban, handing over all their equipment and leaving.
So packing up and leaving is the most likely outcome. Talk of diplomacy aimed at splitting the 'moderate Taliban' ( as if there are moderate taliban) from the extreme taliban is nonsense because the general Afghan belief is that the currently united taliban are winning and nobody defects to a losing side. Diplomacy would have to be aimed at Mullah Omar and the other leaders on the US blacklist.
It is what should have been done in 2001 and it is what should be done now.
Nima said "Women have more freedom now and can work and go to university, teenage girls have a right to education". Maybe he should explain why self-immolation by Afghan women is at an all time high and why RAWA and the Afghan Womens Network reject his assertion.
Not only have things not improved for women but they have all the old problems plus the dangers of war plus the extra dangers women face in war. Defending a law condoning marital rape the chief justice of the Afghan Supreme Court recently said the only two rights women are guaranteed by the constitution are the right to obey their husbands and the right to pray at home.
"We ask for an end to the occupation of Afghanistan and a stop to such tragic war crimes." - Malalai Joya, former MP for Farah province who was physically attacked and then banished from parliament for pointing out that the government is run by mysogynist war-lords.
false dichotomy
29.09.2009 19:16
Dichotomy - mutually exclusive, jointly exhaustive
29.09.2009 21:16
Sure, but we can't support both peace and war.
Nima said that the invasion of Afghanistan was wrong but once that mistake was made we have to support the occupation. The extension of this is that although Nima says that we shouldn't invade Iran, once such an invasion happened and destroyed the country then he would have to support it until all Iranian resistance was extinguished.
I don't think that is a representative opinion among the Iranian diaspora, certainly not my friends. I just read an interview (sorry, no link yet) with someone who fled the recent Iranian repression after her father was tortured who said although she hates Ahmadinejad she would return to Iran if it was attacked out of patriotic duty even if it meant her imprisonment.
It is also telling that Nima criticises the Iranian regime from the UK, but returns each year to visit his family. Lot's of Iranians do that. That simple fact puts the regime in context since no North Koreans travel to the UK, criticise the North Korean regime and then travel home for family visits. No Burmese do that. I haven't heard of any Libyans doing that, despite Ghaddafi being our friend again. The same goes for so many countries that it underlines the limit of oppression in Iran.
I am also very curious why Nima visits Kabul as I've never known an Iranian exile who does.
"For too many years now, the Western media have looked at Iran through the narrow prism of Iran's liberal middle class — an intelligentsia that is addicted to the Internet and American music and is more ready to talk to the Western press, including people with money to buy tickets to Paris or Los Angeles. 'Reading Lolita in Tehran' is a terrific book, but does it represent the real Iran?" - Bob Baer (ex CIA)
"I don't believe and I don't expect any outside power to come and liberate me. If I cannot liberate myself, no one from outside can liberate me" - Orzala Ashraf
Orzala is the founder of Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan (HAWCA) and worked as executive director between 1999 and 2007 for this organization. Orzala has devoted ten years of experience in leading, establishing and delivering training programs to Afghan women & children in Pakistan & Afghanistan. Often putting herself directly at risk under the Taliban regime, she launched underground literacy & health education programs for women. Her organization initiated a Safe House for women and girls victims of violence. Orzala is a leading activist in the legal reform and advocacy for human rights and gender.