We received this reply :
Dear Ms Ford,
Thank you for your recent letter. I share your concern about vulnerable young people, particularly within Camden and Somers Town.
We are very clear about the proposal for the Medical Research Laboratory, in which we are a partner with the Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research UK. Scientists will be focussing entirely upon ways of alleviating serious disease in human beings. Their focus will be to a significant extent on cancer, which is both unpleasant and fatal as a disease; but it will also range across causes of misery, pain, suffering and ultimately death in human beings. This is a major and critically important initiative, which is widely supported for the benefits that it can bring.
However, it is also important that this new development alongside St Pancras should reach out into the local community. This is why we are presently working on plans to develop UCL's already extensive engagement with the community. This includes, for example, our extensive interaction and support for South Camden Community School, of which I am sure you are aware, but of which I can provide you with additional briefing should you wish to have it. A parallel initiative exists in Islington, with city and Islington Sixth Form College. We are keen to build upon this, and, particularly with the Wellcome Trust, have much greater engagement with education and with social support in the Somers Town area. This would be a valuable offshoot of the major laboratory, and will also be true to the historic mission of UCL.
For avoidance of doubt, I should explain that there is no intention to have primates at the new facility, and that the animals that will be based there will be primarily rodents and small amphibians.
It will be an enormous shame if there were to be a campaign against the new facility on the basis of animal rights , because of the huge benefits to humankind that this laboratory will produce. The use of animals in scientific investigation is, as you will be aware from your past experience, tightly - and properly - limited by the Home Office procedures. The scientists involved in the new facility will be legally bound by these procedures, and are also of course sympathetic and sensitive to the work that they carry out.
Malcom Grant
University College London
Gower street
Tel +44 [0]2076797234
Fax +44[0]2073885412
email :

Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab is a peaceful campaign and we do not encourage any illegal, harassing communication etc. Please keep all communications with the UCL, it's staff and Provost legal and polite.