The Romell Broom case shows that capital punishment is a barbaric act, unworthy of a civil society. Romell Broom has already died 18 times. It is only right that he is spared, now.
Romell Broom: a different man
by Roberto Malini (in English translation by Glenys Robinson)
“He has killed. He must die”
sentenced the Law.
And when the day came to pay his due,
Romell was ready.
He had eaten
his last meal.
He had said his farewell to his mother,
and to the world.
“I must die”
He said to himself over and over again,
strangely calm
on the executioner’s table.
When the needle entered his arm
his eyes filled with tears
and his nerves cried out: “I must die!”
But the poisoned-filled syringe
did not reach the vein.
It drilled into his flesh
but couldn’t find the vein.
The nurses glanced at each other:
“He must die,” they whispered.
“Let’s try once more”.
Eighteen times the needle
pierced Romell’s forearm
(while his nerves cried out: “Please, I have to die!”)
it ripped through his muscles, jabbed his bones.
Romell (“I must die!”) made a fist,
twisted his limb to help
his murderers, but the syringe,
filled with death,
filled with peace,
still could not find the vein.
“I must die!
I have to!
I must die!”
Then Romell, still alive,
the final prayer on his lips
and the endless night in the depths of his eyes
was led back to his cell.
There were thorns in his flesh
and the burden of a cross on his shoulders.
”Death, Death,” he whispered,
before drifting into sleep,
“why have you abandoned me?”
And Death replied
with the deep yet sweet voice of his mother:
“My son, I have not abandoned you.
I have remained at your side, right to the end.
when you became a different man”.


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