Some are underground. Violence to animals attracts violence to
humans. Fast food chains have more crime and theft.
Slaughterhouse owners are scofflaws.
by Spectator
Sunday Sep 20th, 2009 11:46 AM
There are at least 24 vivisection labs at Yale University
Vietnamese Vivisector Killed at Yale. The University Hides Nature of Research

The violence toward animals in one Yale Medical School vivisection lab
at 10 Amistad St. in New Haven
attracts murder. There are at least 24 such labs on campus,
some underground.
(The Amistad was a slave ship whose captives
mutinied. In the case of animals, many humans have helped in the
(Yale's head is Richard Levin who supervises
the war and flesh invested, primate mammal and other
animal torturing lab. Yale conducted no background check
re this man's employment... and thought working on
a farm in which animals held captive.. sufficient for
a job alleged to protect animals. Yale officials had instructed employees not to speak with the news media. Yale administration and animal killing faculty should be on trial
with Mr Clark. Pharmaceutically connected media are censoring
the nature of Ms Le's vivisection of animals.)
Mr Levin, It's time for you to tell the world what Annie Le was
doing to the mice she worked on in an underground room.
NY Times pro vivisection bias is indicated in sentences
such as
"The technicians responsible for their well-being circulated like emergency room nurses"
"With its cutting-edge facilities, the Amistad building, which opened in 2007, is a place technicians dream of working. It is home to about 4,000 mice alone, Mr. Russell said, on a campus that also keeps hamsters, gerbils, cats, dogs, pigs, sheep, fish and monkeys."
It is interesting that the writers list primates last.
Serial killing is mechanized at Yale..
green neon tags — the mark signifying that an animal needs to be euthanized. They take the animals to the basement, lock them in a cage, and turn on the carbon dioxide machine"
just as serial killing is mechanized by the votes and
actions of Yale Law School graduates in the current and
past US regimes.
The green neon tags are reminiscient of what Brian Haig
describes as soldiers' jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan, that is, electronically marking buldings for cruise missile strikes
which kill Iraqi and Afghani soldiers and their families.
Yale teaches students to kill and then provides counseling!
"The university provides counseling to help employees cope with having to kill animals on a regular basis."
Yale's 'animal protection' jobs have nothing to do
with preventing the inflicting of pain
"Mr. Clark was promoted to full-time animal technician, a position that pays $12 to $25 per hour. That job required him to serve as caretaker for the animals, moving them into clean cages and checking to make sure they were not dehydrated, sick or dead."
2 dozen animal harming labs at Yale! Are some of them
"Russell.. estimated there were about 200 employees in two dozen animal labs at Yale"
A. Le, the murdered student, was a pharmacology doctoral
candidate. It is likely that she like all the other
lab students was abusing animals
in the lab. Whether or not that is the reason she was killed
by Mr Clark is not known.

The genocidal LD 50 test and endemic conflicts between
pain inflicting researchers and those charged with protecting
the animals

Monsters at Yale involved in inflicting thirst on animals

ABC News - David Muir, Josh Gaynor - Sep 18, 2009
a picture of Clark is emerging as (a man) who was upset with Le's handling (mistreatment)
of the mice in the lab where they both [/B] (see previous post re the murder of
a Vietnamese vivisector)
These animals Le was mistreating were kept UNDERGROUND without light,
hidden from virtually every one. Humans without any supervision
could do whatever they wanted to their own voiceless prisoners.
"Not only are separate key cards required for the parking garage, main building and basement, but "each individual [basement] room has an additional key lock," he said. "Only the actual person doing the research has access. Not even professors [do]." (quote of
a professor who worked daily with Le)
Why is the FBI involved in the Annie Le case?

At Yale and Harvard, strict competition grades have been
replaced by 3 standard grades: high pass, pass and fail
Hide the following 4 comments
Re the Vietnamese Vivisector Found Dead in Yale Vivisector Lab
21.09.2009 14:07
animal torture lab
We do not know whether or not Richard Clark killed Annie Le.
If he did, he should be sentenced to jail.
That aside, while Yale's president Richard Levin instructs
faculty and students to say nothing about the 24
vivisection (animal harming) labs on campus,
he is encouraging a whispering campaign of faculty
vivisectors who call Clark a 'control freak' because
he opposed the animal cruelty infractions frequently
committed by 'scientists' trained to harm the voiceless.
21.09.2009 16:04
Anyone else?
21.09.2009 21:25
"vivisectors who call Clark a 'control freak' because
he opposed the animal cruelty infractions frequently
committed by 'scientists'. "
Because that is liableous and therefor an offence in the US, so please fax your proofe to the campus police of Yale who will be interested in background to this murder.
I mean, you didn't just make this up on the spot so as to bandwagon the death of a young woman for your own political gains did you.
So, did she deserve to die?
21.09.2009 22:37
Nice to see once again that the milk of human kindness flows bountifully from the hearts of animal rights activists...