Elijah Smith, Tom Woodhead and Robert Alford appeared in Yate Magistrates Court today 17th September 2009. Exactly 9 months since they were arrested following the decommissioning of EDO in Brighton. The CPS are now attempting to run both the Raytheon Rooftop case and the EDO decommissioning as one big conspiracy case, although the defence team are appossed to this.
Today's court case wasn't particularly interesting as the defence have called a 'read through commital'. In our terms that means the defence is asking for a judge to read through the papers before the full court case on the grounds there is insufficient grounds to take the 3 through court because of lack of evidence.
The 3 accused protesters are next in court on the 8th of October at 9:45am keep up to date @ www.decommisioners.wordpress.com
Elijah Smith has now been on remand for 9 months and one of his few pleasure's is when the post man comes
Elija Smith VP 7551,
HMP Horfield,
Cambridge Road
Sign the new ‘Support the Decommissioners’ petition
This petition will be handed into the Foreign Office prior to the trial of the decommissioners