...radicals, strugglers, freethinkers, anarchists, workers, fighters, unemployed, dreamers, peace-lovers and planet-savers. Come along and join in the fun!
The Bristol anarchist bookfair 2009 sweeps into the city centre on 12 September. Bringing together local and national groups, networks, individuals and distros, the bookfair provides absolutely anything you have ever wanted to know about anarchism, and much more. It is also, this year, the opening event for the Bristol CoMutiny Convergence – details at

As anarchists we say loudly and clearly that the present economic and political system is not working for the majority of people, and it is time for real social change. The bookfair offers an opportunity for anarchist ideas and practices to be discovered, discussed and debated by people across Bristol and the south west, as together we struggle against the inequalities and exploitation endemic in society.
Bookfair collective member Andy Brigade explains: 'After the success of last years bookfair in St Werburghs, we wanted to make the bookfair and anarchist ideas more easily accessible to people across Bristol. Hence our move to the city centre at the amazing venue The Island, right in the heart of the central shopping district. The bookfair will have a huge variety of anarchist and other radical info, from easy and clear introductions, to complex debate and historical testimonies'.
Bookfair collective member Dee Senter adds:'This recession negatively affects us all. The bookfair workshops and debates will focus on collective resistance and alternatives. We'll have workers discussing workplace struggles, debates on the economy, calls for the cancellation of all our debts, look at the wider problems faced by women and disabled people, revisit our radical history, discuss current campaigns such as anti-militarism, rethink education and try to build and enhance our networks of resistance. We'll also look at how we can not just use the media better, but become the media ourselves'.
Davey Gower from the collective concludes:'We don't claim all the answers but we believe our basic anarchist principles can be the basis for real social change, and we believe our ideas stand up to scrutiny – come along and discuss with us. What we are demanding isn't utopia, it is common sense. Capitalism is not sustainable, it has already started to destroy the planet, the people who currently run things cannot be trusted so its pointless asking them to solve the problems. The time for change is now before it is too late.'
Info: full programme here

other bookfair info here