The arrests are related to a direct action at the Greek Embassy in Belgrade made on Aug. 25. The action was related to the hunger strike of Thodoros Iliopoulos. Although this action was a big sensation in the press, in fact, almost no real damage was done to the Embassy; two Molotov cocktails were thrown, but they did not break the window and only one managed to catch fire. If you look really hard at the left window on these photos, you can see the extent of the damage:

This type of symbolic attack on property is not “terrorism”.
From what we know, the police arrested a couple of people despite knowing their alibis but are trying to pin the action on them.
A sixth person is on the run. The police are trying to play mind-fucking games by telling other comrades of the arrested that they can be released if he gives himself up. They are also apparently releasing “selected information” to comrades and the press, some (or all) which may be false and only be part of police manipulation tactics.
The judge ordered the comrades to be detained at least 30 days to avoid a flight risk. During this time, the prosecutor will try to build his case. They are trying to get “international terrorism” charges pressed. This would carry a sentence of up to 15 years.
An international solidarity campaign is already started. On Monday there should be demos at embassies in a few European cities.
There is a web page setup where you can send letters to the government. Please help us to bomb their mailboxes TODAY. Let them arrive on Monday with an inbox full of protests.