Yesterday pickets were outside all refuse and street cleaning depots in Leeds and have warned that the strike will lead to refuse building up in the city in the days and weeks ahead if the strike continues.
Leeds city council say that some workers had reported for work but the unions say that over 500 of its members were on strike and morale was high. They also claimed that the council could well be using agency staff illegally. The unions say that they will consult with their lawyers to see if the law regarding the use of agency workers in industrial disputes is being broken or not.
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The people you are dealing with...
08.09.2009 08:40
So the council wants the strikers to return to the table but refuses to even talk with the strikers!! How do the council think this will be resolved if it won't even talk to the strikers?
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08.09.2009 11:29
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Be the media!
Northern Indymedia Collective Member
Well we all knpw what happened last time the dustmen went on strike...
08.09.2009 21:50
History Repeats Itself Watch
Where else?
09.09.2009 22:05
Bob the Binman