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DSEi 2009: 8 September – City of London – Meet 12 Noon Near Aldgate East Tube
Defence Systems Equipment International (DSEi)—the world’s largest arms fair—is due to take place in East London between 8 and 11 September 2009. At DSEi 2007, there were 1352 exhibitors from 40 different countries with a total of 26,5000 visitors.
Disarm DSEi will be meeting at 12 noon on Tuesday 8th September outside the Royal Bank of Scotland on Whitechapel High Street, near Aldgate East Tube, before going on to visit several companies in the City of London that invest in the arms trade. Bring post-it notes to write messages exposing these investors, and shoes, the symbolic object of protest popularized in December by Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi, who threw his shoes at George W. Bush.
The recent devastation in Gaza was aided by UK arms sales of over £27 million in the first 9 months of 2008. Ewa Jasiewicz, a human rights worker in Gaza during the bombardment advocated taking our fight against this “from the streets into the offices, factories and headquarters, to the heart of the companies making a killing”.
According to UNICEF, two million children were killed between 1986 and 1996 as a result of armed conflict. A further six million were also injured or permanently disabled and countless others were forced to witness or take part in violence.
Graça Machel, the author of the report, also recently stated that “wars have always victimised children and other non-combatants, but modern wars are exploiting, maiming and killing children more callously and more systematically than ever.”
Politicians pay lip service to controlling the arms trade by introducing piecemeal legislation. Meanwhile, business is booming. The UK company, Chemring, saw a 500% rise in profit in the four year period following the Iraq invasion, and instances such as ex MP Michael Portillo serving on the board of BAE Systems show self interest and profit triumphing over any concern for ethics or morality.
The arms trade and the military industrial complex it supports – along with many other struggles – should not be seen as a single issue campaign. For example:
* The majority of asylum seekers have fled because of the effects of war and the arms trade. However, in locking these people up, and labelling them as scroungers, the government conveniently ignores the huge profits made by the UK companies who made the weapons which destroyed their homelands.
* The military are climate criminals responsible for 25% of air pollution. In 2006, according to Scientists for Global Responsibility, the UK military as a whole was responsible for emitting 5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, a report from the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution into aircraft emissions in 2002 stated that “the performance requirements of military aircraft suggest that compared to civil aircraft, they are likely to produce proportionately more emissions”.
* Animal testing plays a major role in military research. In 2006, there were more than 21,000 animals, including monkeys, ferrets and pigs being subjected to experimentation at Porton Down. This was a 76% increase from 2000. Tests include applying fatal doses of a nerve agent to an animal’s skin, and giving sarin and anthrax to primates.
However, the bankers, the investors, are the glue which bind all these issues together. High street banks invest billions in the arms trade, as well as supporting the corporations who profit from environmental destruction, attacks on migrants and animal torture. Given these banks invest in global death, destruction and displacement, their reluctance to help the average worker facing redundancy and repossession is unsurprising.
The banks are only interested in profit. They invest willingly in the international arms trade, caring little about the consequences either for the victims of war, or UK workers. Heavy investment in ‘high risk’ arms sales to Africa, Asia and the Middle East is just another gamble with our own economy, all for the sake of hefty bonuses and over inflated pensions.
DISARM DSEi are calling for people to join together to unstick these institutions, expose the devastation they cause, and hold them to account for their actions.
Come to The City with love and rage; music and militancy; desire and determination—together we can show we will no longer tolerate the death and destruction they cause.
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DSEi warnings from the police
07.09.2009 15:41
The Met is aware that a number of people and groups are planning to hold demonstrations over the coming days to protest against the DSEi at Excel.
However, there are some groups that will not talk to police. It is far harder for the Met to plan our police response to protests where we have no dialogue with any group or person. We have a duty to manage peaceful protest and the impact it can have upon hundreds of other people or businesses that want to go about their daily lives.
We are aware of map of suggested premises for demonstrations being posted on the internet by a protest group. There are dedicated officers working on this operation who will be responsible for keeping members of the community and businesses updated about any potential disruption caused by spontaneous protests.
As our starting position the Met will seek to manage peaceful protest in every circumstance. However, it is important that we make clear that officers may have to use the full range of tactics open to us to ensure we can manage the impact that spontaneous demonstrations have on the public.
Anyone who wants to demonstrate over the next few days should call the CO11 Planning Team on 020 7230 9801.
DSEI - Important information
Please be aware that the Defence Systems and Equipment International Exhibition (DSEI) will be returning to the Excel Centre London 8 - 11 September 2009.
This event is the world’s largest fully integrated defence and security exhibition and police have been working closely with Excel London and Clarion Security (the event organizers) to ensure that you are kept up to date about how this event will affect you.
Here are the event details that you will want to know:
Tuesday, 8 September 2009 to Friday, 11 September 2009 - Exhibition open to the public. Tuesday to Thursday it is open between 9am and 5.30pm. On Friday (11/9/09) it is open between 9am and 4pm.
There will be an increase in police presence and patrols on the estate leading up to the main event and during the event itself. Security staff will also be at the gates to assist you during the event.
The current planned closures are as follows:
Custom House DLR Station to Royal Victoria Dock footbridge - CLOSED Sunday, 6 September 2009 (11:59pm) to Sunday, 13 September 2009 (11:59pm)
Royal Victoria Docks Footbridge - CLOSED Sunday, 6 September 2009 (11:59pm) to Sunday, 13 September 2009 (11:59pm)
The dock edge (from Royal Victoria Dock Footbridge to Connaught Cut) - CLOSED from Friday, 4 September 2009 (11:59pm) to Sunday, 13 September 2009 (11:59pm)
The dock edge (from the Novotel to Connaught Cut) - CLOSED from Sunday, 6 September 2009 (11:59pm) to Sunday, 13 September 2009 (11:59pm)
Custom House DLR will NOT be closed however there will be NO access to Excel from this route unless you are visiting DSEI (for which you MUST pre-register or there is a £50 registration fee on the day). All staff trying to access Excel (Warehouse K, Fox PH, NEO Coffee Bar) MUST use Royal Victoria Station DLR or Prince Regent Station.
There will be NO access to Excel (main exhibit area or concourse) throughout the event.
In order to facilitate ease of movement around the site (that is, to home addresses or place of work) we request you carry some identification and proof of work or residency. Please be aware, that this is NOT a legal or mandatory requirement, so if there are any issues, each case can be assessed individually.
Police will minimize disruption for businesses and residents. However, we understand that this event could cause concern for local residents, so we are keen to ensure everyone is reassured and given as much information as possible leading up to and during the event.
You can also contact the Metropolitan Police non-emergency number on 0300 123 1212 where all of the operators will have access to the website for updates.
Planned Protests
On the evening of Monday, 7 September 2009 there will be a candle lit procession from Royal Victoria DLR to the front of Excel. This should last around 2 hours and has not historically caused any issues.
The same group also plan to lay a wreath within the Dock on Friday, 11 September 2009 and again this is an event that historically been peaceful and not disruptive for the community.
There are two planned protests on Tuesday, 8 September 2009 and these are also expected to be peaceful and will be within a designated area to prevent disruption to residents and business users.
Tactics that have been used by protesters previously and which may cause communities concern are as follows:
The use of white paint in the outline of a body (as sometimes seen in American films). These have appeared outside the Excel area in residential areas on footways and roads and could obviously cause concern. Likewise the use of red paint/dye/liquid to signify blood has been used by pouring onto pavements and into water supplies such as fountains
Full details of the event can be obtained on the following website:
Excel London Help Desk number is 020 7069 4500
If anyone has any concerns or information that may assist keeping this event safe and peaceful, we ask you to inform the police.
Ian Blair's Ghost