Brendan has become known as "Hitler" and "Mugabe" due to his fascist London Animal Rights "whites only" group run by "Hitler".
Unlike London Vegans which has an attendance by people from all walks of life and racial backgrounds...London Animal Rights is a right wing fascist organisation that does noting for the animals and has squandered money for years. Following a show down Brendan Mc Nally has agreed to hand over the house in Croydon paid for by activists and that it should be turned into a sancturay for rescued pets. At the moment animals are not allowed to use the property which is used mostly for parties for London Animal Rights members.
We think that this is a jolly good idea and couldn't agree more...shame it wasn't done sooner.
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Laughable excuse for a story!
01.09.2009 19:47
I trust the mods will remove this garbage soon, in the meantime keep it to your SHACwatch blog, when you're not too busy battering people to death at G20 (not mentioning any names - but where WERE you at that demo exactly Steve Discombe? Wielding the truncheon no doubt??)
Thanks for the laugh though - you always brighten my day!!
Steve Discombe's wife