Nikos Tsouvalakis is also jailed for the December revolt and it’s regrettable that his case has not been publicised as much as Iliopoulos’.
According to the capitalist newspaper ‘Eleftherotypia’ (=‘free press’):
“Nikos Tsouvalakis is one of the two hunger strikers in Koridalos prison in solidarity with Thodoris Iliopoulos – who denies all charges against him – while many other prisoners also refuse to eat for the same reason.
Nikos Tsouvalakis was arrested together with his brother, Theodoros, during the December events and was accused with stealing two laptop computers from the ‘Plaisio’ shops. His brother was released on bail, but Nikos is still jailed even though he faces bad health.
The hunger striker, who has lost 10 kilogrammes and has other health problems, in his communication with the newspaper denounced the ‘inhuman and criminal imprisonment conditions’ of him and the other inmates in all prisons across the country and says that since the inmates began their hunger strikes the conditions have been worsened.”
Translated from Greek: