We are Anonymous
Over the years we have been watching you.
your campaigns of informing the public.
your promotion of free speech and anonymity.
your expertise and your dissent.
All of these actions have caught our eye.
with the organizing of your latests event H A R 20009
you have set another milestone in the digital age.
You and the people like you are the ones who will create and defend the future of the internets.
The internet is our territory.
Our creative nature, our technical skills, and our ability to hack places outside the digital domain, like the media, politics and the hearts and minds of the general public, is our strength, even though our methods are sometimes malicious and hostile.
This combined power is the force that will shape the future in our interconnected world.
Anonymous has therefore decided that we should join forces.
Exchange ideas, expertise and knowledge.
The hacker territory is a limited space. The internet is not.
You are invited look beyond your arena and your own community.
Leave your basement.
Hack politics.
Hack media.
Hack your neighbours wifi.
Hack the police.
Hack the voting system.
put on a tie and hack the government.
Hack the social domain.
Our tools combined have the ability to do just that.
Our tools exist of lulz, creativity, disruption and lulz.
And lets not forget about the lulz.
Anything can be a tool to hack.
We need your technical skills.
You need our creativity.
Our game is a game against seriousness.
Our game is not so much about free speech and censorship, but about defending our playground.
The internet is your playground.
Your toy.
Don not allow anyone to steal your toys.
We do not have leaders. We do not have a name.
Therefore, we can be like you.
We are legion.
If this looks like serious business to you, then you have lost the game.
The game is yours.
Currently, the internet is under attack.
Governments in almost every country are jeopardising the neutrality of the internet and enforcing control.
data retention.
net neutrality.
they want us to give up our right to stay anonymous.
they are measuring their strength. ...and most have done nothing but watch.
Our technical tools may be stronger the theirs, but we should be in charge.
stop acting surprised whenever they take away your toys.
stop acting surprised whenever they enforce control.
Start defending your playground.
And have fun while doing so.
All work and no play makes Anonymous go away.
Technical skills should not be required to share information.
Tools should be made simple and effective.
Educate the public.
share your tools.
put on a tie and infiltrate.
Our numbers are huge. Our skills unprecedented.
we are anonymous.
we are legion.
we do not forgive.
we do not forget.
expect us.

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