get a war going against Iran. If they're not continually directly accusing
Iran of having a nuclear weapons program - despite the total lack of any
evidence to even suggest Iran has any nuclear weapons program - then Israel
is accusing Hezbollah of wanting to attack Israelis and Israeli interests
outside of Israel
get a war going against Iran. If they're not continually directly accusing
Iran of having a nuclear weapons program - despite the total lack of any
evidence to even suggest Iran has any nuclear weapons program - then Israel
is accusing Hezbollah of wanting to attack Israelis and Israeli interests
outside of Israel warning that [1] , if any Israeli is harmed, Hezbollah
will be held responsible. Just to help the provocation along, Israel is also
still sending their military jets into sovereign Lebanese airspace. In their
latest piece of warmongering chutzpah [2] , Israel is accusing Hezbollah of
stockpiling rockets in order to strike Israel. The ploy here is to use this
as some sort of casus belli to attack Lebanon in the hope of dragging Iran
into the fray - and then, of course, the US.
The irony is, if Hezbollah should get in first and attack Israel using
Israel's stockpiling of fuel and weapons from the US as a casus belli, the
West would jump up and down in outrage, yet, if Israel attacks Hezbollah,
all we hear about is how Israel is defending itself.
Israel has twice unsuccessfully attempted to invade and occupy Lebanon in
order to secure control of the Litani River headwaters for its own use. It
has failed in the past but they are determined. They hope that, with enough
`provocation', the West will this time turn a blind eye to their invasion
and occupation of south Lebanon. And, while they're at it, they'll do the
same to Hamas in the Gaza using the main event, their attack against Iran,
as cover for the complete occupation of the Gaza, the West Bank and south
In order for the West to turn a blind eye to such an Israeli onslaught,
Israel will have to ensure that any act of `terrorism' against Israel or
Israelis is really horrendous enough to make it worth while.
The world should prepare itself for an outrageous `false flag' act of
`terrorism' from `Hezbollah' at any moment.
According to a Ha'aretz report [3] Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin
Netanyahu, yesterday said that, if Hezbollah joins the Lebanese government
then Israel will hold the Lebanese government for any `attack' against
Israel by Hezbollah.
Deputy Israeli Prime Minister Dan Meridor was also quoted as saying;
"Hezbollah is a terror organization that has become a semi-army. Basically,
it is a branch of Iran on our northern border, with Syria's consent and with
Lebanon's consent. This is not a healthy phenomenon", highlighting the fact
that Israel's real enemy is still Iran and that the emphasised links between
Hezbollah and Iran will be all the casus belli that Israel needs to attack
Ha'aretz are reporting [4] that foreign fighters are making their way to the
Gaza and that Hamas are sending recruits to Iran for training.
Israel are determined to link both Hezbollah and Hamas intrinsically to each
other and to Iran in order to build up their casus belli to attack.




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