*police brutality and cowardly actions continue. The only water point for 100's of Afghan migrants sprayed with tear gas, soluble in water, to prevent use
*police act illegally to prevent photojournalists working, successfully challenged
*local Calaisiens leafletd in town about police actions
*photo exhibition of migrant life in Calais flyposted in town centre
*migrants tell their stories on the blog
*scabies outbreak gets worse, Medecins du Monde and Medicins sans Frontiers plan mass treatment for 17 to 21 August. Volunteers needed. Some concern at how authorities will exploit this situation
*solidarity action at French Consul, Barcelona
*people continue to arrive to show solidarity, anything from one day while passing through Calais
*basic medic support to migrants
*discussions with local humanitarian organisations about how to work more effectively
*police not happy being monitored, tend to leave when activists present or have their work disrupted
*repression and arrests however continue
You are welcome to join us in Calais!
If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 or from France 06 34 81 07 10
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