Chavez: US plans to invade Venezuela through Colombia
1) Venezuela Prepares Defense Against Potential U.S. Aggression from Colombia (24 July 2009)
2) Venezuela Reviews Relations with Colombia as More US Bases Established (21 July 2009)
3) U.S.: Honduras Coup a “Lesson” for Zelaya Not to Follow Venezuela's Path
(23 July 2009)

excerpts from: Venezuela Prepares Defense Against Potential U.S. Aggression from Colombia
by James Suggett, Venezuela Analysis, 24 July 2009
In response to Colombia's “unfriendly” decision to expand the U.S. military presence on Colombian bases, Venezuela will strengthen its fleet of armored vehicles and increase its military presence along its border with Colombia, President Hugo Chavez said on Thursday.
“You are opening your house to an enemy of your neighbor... and the neighbor has the right to say that it is an unfriendly act,” Chavez said to the Colombian government. […]
[…] Chavez warned a group of Venezuelan military officers during a ceremony at Fort Tiuna in Caracas that the U.S. military buildup in Colombia would likely bring more “mercenaries, spy planes, the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], and paramilitaries” to South America. […] He asserted that the U.S. “has plans to invade Venezuela,” and “wants to convert Colombia into the Israel of Latin America.”
The president also raised questions about why Venezuelan opposition leaders, including the mayor of Metropolitan Caracas and the governors of two states on the border with Colombia, Zulia and Tachira, had met with White House officials in Washington D.C. earlier in the week, shortly after the Honduran elite had carried out a military coup and the U.S. was increasing its military presence in Colombia.
“The extreme right sectors continue to conspire,” said Chávez. “They were there in the White House and the OAS [Organization of American States] practically asking for Venezuela to be intervened in, that's what they want.”

excerpt from: Venezuela Reviews Relations with Colombia as More US Bases Established
by Kiraz Janicke, Venezuela Analysis, 21 July 2009
The new military accord between the US and Colombia comes as the US has been forced to pull out of its Manta military base in Ecuador, after the government of Rafael Correa refused to renew an agreement allowing US military personnel to operate there.
The full details of the agreement have not been released, but in early July, Colombian magazine Cambio reported that […] the US will begin to operate in five Colombian military bases in Palanquero (center), Alberto Pouwels (north), Apiay (south), and two Navy facilities: in Cartagena de Indias, on the Caribbean coast and Malaga on the Pacific coast.

U.S.: Honduras Coup a “Lesson” for Zelaya Not to Follow Venezuela's Path
Venezuela Analysis, 23 July 2009
The military coup that ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya last month should serve as a “lesson” for Zelaya to steer clear of Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution and President Hugo Chavez, according to U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley.
In a press conference on Monday, Cowley stated, “We certainly think that if we were choosing a model government and a model leader for countries of the region to follow, that the current leadership in Venezuela would not be a particular model. If that is the lesson that President Zelaya has learned from this episode, that would be a good lesson.”
related link:
US Escalates War Plans In Latin America
by Rick Rozoff, Global Research, 23 July 2009

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