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16.07.2009 03:22
Apologies for the long link - hope it works.
I'll agree with that!
16.07.2009 04:10
That's martial law
16.07.2009 09:16
Wiki page being deleted
16.07.2009 10:11
De Nada
May be something in it
16.07.2009 12:11
When they are looking for a reason to evacuate the public from Devil Mountain, the army decide on a disease outbreak.
At a time when public hostility to government and other institutions is growing, a disease out break also elicits greater loyalty to the patriarchy of the state, as people look to 'father' government to save/protect them.
A genuine and series disease outbreak with a high mortality rate also places great power in the hands of the state and the health protection bodies, as they quite literally have the power to decide who gets to live and die, when it comes to deciding who gets a vaccine and in medical triage situations when people are already afflicted.
Worse than the deaths?
16.07.2009 19:55
Yes, I noticed that Wikipedia page too...
17.07.2009 00:06
It does seem to be a very extreme response, although it could be being engineered by people who object to the message miss Burgermeister is disseminating, rather than anything actually stated in the article - the equivalent of trying to censor them out of existence.
Cover your ears, sing very loudly and the 'problem' goes away.
As for the subtext of the conspiracy theory, this should perhaps be taken with a pinch of salt, but the interesting part is the suggestion of this H1N1 variant being possibly synthetic (already tested on army personnel, nothing new there then), and it being used as a pretext for all kinds of other mayhem.
Yes, agree with comments above regarding the way states turn to authoritarianism if their perceived 'popularity' is seen to be waning, so watch out.
Worth bearing in mind that back in the 1930s, Roosevelt's New Deal work camps were thinly disguised compulsory internment centres for the poor and dispossessed, replete with armed guards at all exits.
Keep 'em busy, but most importantly of all, keep 'em out of sight.
Gordon Brown has already gone on the record as saying that if he's still in office two years from now, he plans to bring in compulsory 'community service' programmes for the long term unemployed (a year or more).
And there's me thinking you had to be sent to court before you ended up doing that sort of thing.
Political aerobics here we come - swing to the right everybody, because it's 'good' for you, a bit of good old fashioned discipline never hurt me blah blah conscription waffle corporal punishment mumble etc...
No wonder
17.07.2009 08:25
There are serious questions about its origins (soviet, if some are to be beloeieved) but this tosh is just an embarressment to Indymedia. The standards just slipped a little bit lower.
Next we;ll have Elvis & Hitler are behind the WHO?
Why not add this as an addition?
Hurdygurdy Man
Cherie Blair has swine flu
17.07.2009 11:45