You aren’t being informed of the dramatic events taking place in our hemisphere. Don’t hold your breath waiting for CNN to tell you what the “leaders” are saying. The heads of state permissible for your occasional consumption are just the usual sold out traitors who have bought or stole their way into the “palace” anyway. The real news is being made by the people (workers, farm laborers, students, unemployed, or otherwise dispossessed and left in the polluted/diseased wake of modernization/globalization). Puppets like Calderon in Mexico or Uribe of Columbia are best ignored.
Part of this hemispheric awakening is being fostered by independent media artists/sources who you can easily follow. Some are:

Please join this struggle for justice and true freedom. Our brothers and sisters across the Americas are doing their parts from conditions of extreme hardship and danger. Surely it is time for us to “step up” from here. Please spread this note everywhere. jamie