If thats the case then why is he and his pub playing host to openly Nazi wankers of the BFF - Dirty-vested Wigan Mike and co. who can clearly be seen zeig heiling outside Deacon's pub.

It will come as no suprise to regulars on Indymedia that the BNP's thin veneer of new found respectability is little more than an obvious charade, but the people of Nuneaton and Bedworth, should, must and need to be made aware of exactly what they are voting for the next time Deacon's sname appears on a ballot sheet.
Alwyn Deacon is a racist and a nazi, his pub plays host to the openly neo nazi thugs of the BFF, is it a coincidence that this oraganisation traveleld half way across the country to drink in a pub run by a BNP member, I don't fucking think so!
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