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Animal Rights Infiltrators plan extreme terror campaign to frame legal campaign.

Gail | 07.07.2009 17:14 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Terror War | South Coast | World

Infiltrators working for the pharmaceutical industry & possibly MI5 could be planning an extremist terror campaign to fit up genuine, peaceful campaigners. Recently Somalian youths were bullied by MI5 in Camden. People who are believed to be working for HLS / MI5 have formed a group called the Camden Sanity Brigade. They have printed tacky, unprofessional and misleading leaflets and created a blogspot with misleading info on them giving the impression that they are connected to the peaceful community campaign.

See :

- Homepage:


Hide the following 34 comments

These blogs are all a waste of time

07.07.2009 17:33

All of these blogs seem like a waste of time, pointless and slightly unhinged.

To be honest, I can't tell anymore who is saying what, which blog is slagging which other blog off, who says what about whoever else, and you know what - I don't give a shit!

Now lets turn off our computers, stop bothering with this endless pile of shit and actually go do some demos.



07.07.2009 17:46

I agree with the other poster, less procrastinating - more protesting!

Who cares who says what, we all know what we need to do, so lets stop bitching and get on with it.


Innocent people are being fitted up. Are The Camden Sanity Brigade HLS?

07.07.2009 19:25

Innocent people are being fitted up by the Camden Sanity Brigade who work for HLS.

They are extremists working for HSL.

Innocent people hav ebeen nad are being fitted up by them.

It is important that a very CLEAR distinction is made between what they are doing and the peaceful campaigns run by local resdidents who wnat nothing to with extremism.

When it comes to a court case the judge and prosecutors will ask "If these people were nothing to do with you, nothing to do with your campaign, then why did you not do something or say something about it from the start? "

Well we are, we have and this is part of making a very clear distinction that The Camden Sanity Brigade are NOT part of a peaceful community campaign. They are dangerous, they are threatening people, are possibly violent.

The Camden Sanity Brigade are unhinged [or pretending to be] and they are believed to be working for HLS. They are Agent Provocoteurs who are quite possibly acting illegally. It is quite possible they work for MI5.

If people target anyone from the pharmaceutical industry it needs to be made very clear that one campaign and it's supporters are very seperate from another.

This isn't about bitching or internal arguments is about keeping people safe and out of prison.

Tell it to the judge

Why would a genuine site advertise anti-animal rights websites?

07.07.2009 21:14

This is all crazy stuff, but why would a genuinely pro-animal rights site link to anti-animal rights sites like shacwatch? It just increases their visibility and search engine ranking. Hmm, suspicious.

anonymous vegan

to "vegan" as to "why would a genuine Ar site 'advertise' SHACWatch". ...

07.07.2009 21:37

Ha Ha...Nice try.

We are not "advertising" SHACWatch any more than SHAC "advertises" Huntingdon Life Sciences.

I cannot stand HLS.

I cannot stand the people behind SHACWatch.

Are you going to suggest that SHAC "advertises" HLS or that SPEAK "advertises" the Oxford Lab?

Not fooled

To dyslexic "Tell It To The Judge".

07.07.2009 22:00

I agree with you. If bad people are going around pretending to be others in an attempt to frame activists and you find out then it has to be made public. If these Camden Sanity Brigade are going around harrassing people or putting leaflets through letterboxes with other people's details on then they should be stopped.

If they want to make leaflets with just their OWN details on that is different.

What the Camden Sanity Brigade / Charity Watch have done is pretend to be other people / mislead people into thinking that their leaflets / blogspots are from other campaigners.

All of the links to the community campaign Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab / Camden Danger Lab should be removed from the Camden Sanity Brigade blogspot and leaflets.

As for SPEAK Political they have stunk from the start.

Adrian Radford wasn't much better.

Animal Rights has been infiltrated and it will happen again. It is obvious to most people what is going on.

To MI5 : As for you MI5 what on earth is going on with you? Have you reduced your entry requirements? I thought that it was supposed to be MI6 that acted kooky? Your "AR activists" look like Panto Villians and stand out a mile. By the way what you are supposed to be doing is gather intelligence and stop "extremists". What you are NOT supposed to be doing is to fit people up and side with HLS etc.
As for the Camden Lab wasn't it you lot that warned against it in the first place? Can't you do some spoof Gordon Brown leaflets then instead of picking on Camden residents? [Like the ones that went out in Westminster about lost scooters? The ones put out by "Westminster Council" that said "Scooters Are Like Pets"?] After all it is Gordon Brown who has directly defied and ignored you over the lab and basically hit you around the face with a wet slipper over it. He has totally ignored Camden council whose planning brief asks for a mixed development including Social Housing. Pick on him. This is HIS fault. Even the scientists have spoken out against the lab. No one wants this lab, not Camden, not you lot, not the residents - no one apart from the Directors behind the consortium and Gordon Brown. What sort of Prime Minister ignores his own security services? Or are you acting so badly that he has decided that you are not worth taking notice of?


I know who runs SHACWatch /Animalrightsinfiltrators etc

07.07.2009 23:33

Having looked through the logs of blogspot it's fairly easy to see the IP range of who posts on SHACWatch and the infltrators(ARI) site. Then using whois and traceroute makes it really easy to find out who they are.

For someone who is supposedly Intelligence trained and an 'expert' in counter activist tactics you'd think the chap who runs SHACwatch/ARI would be better at covering his tracks. I certainly wouldn't hire this clown!

Blogspot auditor

Blogspot auditor - tell us more!

08.07.2009 01:43

Who, Where, How?

And to prove you are real - who am I?!!!


Sorry....but SHACWatch and Animal Rights Infiltrators are not the same person

08.07.2009 02:16

...which throws your theory of a quick look through the IP addresses out of the window.

SHACWatch / Charity Watch and The Camden Sanity Brigade are all run by the same person. Anyone who has seen the terrible leaflets put out by "The Camden Sanity Brigade" will see this that this person is yes indeed a clown out to discredit people. Animal Rights Activists in Camden have agreed that they are bad, tacky and unprofessional.

I suspect that the person running "The Camden Sanity Brigade" wrote the above comment or it is done by someone who thinks it's the same person and can't use a computer.


A few things

08.07.2009 08:03

1. These sites are clearly run by the vivisectors and their chums in the police because information that only police officers/security services have has been put up.
2. It is VERY naughty for police officers to do this and anyone who wants to can actually complain. As the officer/s concerned would appear to be from the Met' (mention of SHAC activists at the G20 demo for example) I would suggest complaints to the IPCC or the Met' professional standards or those who wish to take this form of action that is where several o us have already complained. Self defence is important.
3.Those behind these sites may well be behind smear campaigns and misinformation which has often appeared. I agree we should not bother too much about this but we do have to bear in mind that any attempts to split the movement should be dealt with. People should be aware of what is being said about them.
4. Attempts have been made by police to post on Indymedia things which only they could have posted but with them posing as activists. They may have done this in order to use the anonymous post in court and maybe to endanger Indymedia. It is important to be aware of this but not be paranoid.
5. Yes let us do more demos but not allow these people to get away with stuff if we can help it. These sites are run by the enemy to be aware of them, to laugh at them to undermine them, to attack them, ermmm etc is all part of campaigning.
6. Let us be prepared for Radfords book there may or may not be lots of coverage but we should make sure that he does not malign us and get everything his own way. He is the one who supports torture and murder, not us.

Lynn Sawyer

Camden Sanity Brigade is obviously genuine

08.07.2009 22:41

Take a look at the Camden Sanity Brigade website:

I'm a totally neutral observer, I don't know either side of this, but it is obvious from reading it that is is genuine. It discusses a lot of animal rights and political issues, and it doesn't smear anyone or do anything that appears to work against animal rights. It's a well-written blog.

It is also obvious that the person who posted this conspiracy article has some kind of personal spat with the Camden Sanity Brigade people and posts these slightly unhinged articles as a way to get back at them. It seems to me that it is they who are doing the damage to the animal rights cause.

Also, a Google for "Camden Sanity Brigade" reveals: Joe (Joe Doyle)
15 Jun *
Joe Doyle created Camden Sanity Brigade and a collage in the album My Projects

I'm not a member of myspace so I can't see the links but sounds like this might be the author.


SHACWatch and The Camden Sanity Brigade are the same people?

08.07.2009 23:00


The man who put them in Inspiral Lounge was a tall man in his 50s with long grey hair and a grey beard from Northern Ireland called Joe. He is doing a campaign against the Camden Lab with a little black fella from Camden . They are Camden's Sanity Brigade? Wow. If they are SHACWatch or connected to them then how can they be campaigning against the Camden lab? That's just plain weird.

I don't think that they are animal liberation but have been asking loads of questions about who all the animal liberation people are and about the different groups.

What are the police doing about the Camden Sanity Brigade blog and SHACWatch blog and the people behind them? There are threats on these against people. These people are clearly dangerous. There is sometjhing strange about all of it. If they have been told by the police before to take the blog down then maybe the police should go and see them again. Where are they geeting all this classified information from?

I don't think that they should be in a campaign let alone running one. The whole thing is nutsso.


Threats by Camden Sanity Brigade

08.07.2009 23:13

The Camden Sanity Brigade blog says :
"If our literature is stolen again the we will instigate a reeducation program".

What's this about? This is a threat. If I were Camden residents then I would ask a lawyer to make sure that the "Camden Sanity Brigade" do not put links to the residents campaign or animal rights campaigns on their very strange "leaflets".

This looks a bit mad and unhinged. He says that he is "against young girls taking their clothes off" but has a picture of naked women on the blog. The blog looks like the work of a nutcase. People who have seen the leaflets put out by these people found them disturbing. I think that residents have the right to ask for any links to them to be removed from leaflets or a blog done by someone they don't even know and that doesn't even have links to animal rights etc that anyone knows of. Who is this "Joe Doyle"? If he has done SHACWatch or has links to the people that do it then this is very worrying. It's dangerous.


To Lynn about Radford

09.07.2009 01:12

Don't worry about Radford Lynn. That muppet doesn't realise that there are some of us out here who remembers his time prancing around Palace Barracks Belfast. He was always a wanker, maybe Eye Spy magazine and the idiots who buy his DVD should actually check his service history.... it's not quite what he makes it out to be.


sounds like a lot of comments here are written by one person...

09.07.2009 22:21

Sounds like a lot of comments slagging off Camden Sanity Brigade here are written by one person... ;-)

They are remarkably similar.

How anyone in their right mind could think a rabidly pro-animal abuse site like shacwatch could be remotely linked to what seems to be a political and pro-animal rights site like is beyond me.

If this site is really an anti-animal rights site, it's being extremely subtle about it and it was totally lost on me. I imagine it would convince people that animal rights is the way to go even if the nutty conspiracy theory that it is really anti-animal rights was true.

As for the nude images, isn't that just a famous Salvador Dali image?


Adrian Radford's SHACWatch degenerates revealed.

10.07.2009 15:56

One is a woman living close to Finsbury Park. Her name is Jo.

Another is a man who is very naughty. He is Jo's on / off boyfriend and we forget his name don't we Sonny Jim? He is always around Camden High Street somewhere or other. The "little black fella".

The third is man from Northern Ireland who is funnily enough called Joe who lives around the corner form Sonny Jim.

They all work for Huntingdon Life Sciences. No conspiracy theory. No plod. Just scummy degenerates who work for Huntingdon Life Sciences.
All three are pro vivsection and have links to the vivsection industry. We don't suspect this. This is not a conspiracy theory. We KNOW it. ; )

This wasn't something dreamed up by Daniel Obachike [ ; ) ] but just a boring story about three wankers who work for HLS and attempted to go "undercover", pretended to be animal Rights etc with a stupid Camden Sanity Brigade blogspot..done by the same people that do SHACWatch together and got their info from Adrian Radford so we are told.
Sad but true.

It is time that the police investigated SPEAK Political who are also clearly criminals working for HLS.

It is time too that the police investigate SHACWatch...again.

Not Adrian Radford

To "sounds like alot is written by one person" yes "Veganon" you.

10.07.2009 16:12

There are three people who are known to each other. Very well in fact.

One used to be a bicycle courier. He is black and very small.
The other is a man few people in AR have known about until now. He is from Northern Ireland.
The other is the on / off girlfriend of the bycicle courier. She is on the podgy side with dreadlocks hair and lots of tattoos.

These are SHACWactch / Camden Sanity Brigade. How do we know? We are not telling you that! he he

We think that the police should know what you've been getting up to.


this is getting crazier and crazier...

10.07.2009 16:39

I know a lot of the people from SPEAK Political and I can tell you they are definitely animal rights supporters and certainly aren't working for HLS! Are you a shit-stirrer from NETCU or something?

If the people you mention live in Camden, how can they work for Huntingdon Life Sciences? Surely they would live in Huntingdon? What evidence do you have that they are "pro vivisection" and have "links to vivisection", or is it all in the world inside your head?

You say the Camden Sanity Watch people "got their info from Adrian Radford" but what secret info is there on their blog anyway? Gave you give an exact URL and quote? I haven't read every word on their blog but I didn't see anything on there that wasn't public knowledge, pro animal rights, or just comment.


camden sanity brigade communique

10.07.2009 17:00

Well I never..............It is great surprise that I read the rantings of at least one individual about the Camden Sanity Brigade. We are a libertarian citizen activist group opposed to the proposed BLISS laboratory.

We are not connected in any way to any arm of the British state. We have made no threats to anyone in Camden or elsewhere. However what has taken place is , on Friday the 3rd of July an associate, deposited 100 of our information leaflets re this lab in the Inspiral Lounge in Camden. We did so with the permission of the management there. Having done so, within 15 minutes all of our literature was stolen by a, Mandy Ford. At the time none of our followers had any idea of who she was or why indeed she had done so.

On Sunday the 5th an associate member was dispatched to attend a meeting of followers of Regents Park stop the Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab hosted by one Mandy Ford. The only attendee was Mandy Ford. After a short conversation, which did NOT involve any type of threat Mandy Ford admitted stealing the literature. She stated she had done so because she believed it had been complied by a female called Josie with whom Mandy had fallen out.

Mandy Ford alluded to a vendetta against her being perpetrated by this Josie. The CSB representative explained in detail that the "sane ones" support all members of the Camden community who oppose this lab. Mandy invited our representative to attend a meeting at 8pm in the Inspiral Lounge where he could speak to the other members of her group.

No one turned up for this meeting, just as no one had turned up for the previous in Regents Park Estate. Mandy took up the offer of help with publicity, printing and stationary for her various FACEBOOK blog sites against the lab, and handed over some papers she wanted updated, amended and professionally produced.

She discussed at length the civil disobedience programme that our associate put forward as a resistance tool in the fight to stop this lab. She agreed in principal with all that was discussed and having spent 3 and a half hours with our associate she left. She claimed to believe (as is the case) that there is no link between the CSB and this Josie to whom she had reffered.

Since that meeting it would appear that Mandy has changed her mind. She has requested that the CSB withdraw all reference to her FACEBOOK campaign from their literature. This has been done. The last post on the CSB blog breaks all links with her.

Now for the allegations made in respect of the CSB links to pharmaceutical companies. We have no links to any capitalist entity whatsoever. We have no links to the security services or police either. We have made no threats to ANYONE. Our literature is in no way misleading. It is a clear and concise argument for unified community based activism to ensure the BLISS lab is never made a reality.

During the meeting Mandy Ford stated to our rep that she "did not want it to be an animal rights campaign". Our rep stated he did not care if those on the demos were meat eaters or vegans, labour or anarchist, black or white,old or young, as long as they were united in their opposition to the lab and prepared to take the steps necessary to prevent its construction. When Mandy stated the campaign must be legal our rep agreed, but pointed out how the state was using draconian anti harassment /terrorist legislation to gag lawful protesters and this would have to be dealt with accordingly when the time arose.

Having read the comments here about the CSB I must agree with one observer who has stated they all appear to be coming from the same person. Mandy Ford, I would suggest. As for the nude picture, it is a Salvador Dali depiction of death!! It appears on our blog as a symbolic representation of an animal testing laboratory. The representative did make a remark about young girls taking their clothes off when speaking about PETA's refusal to take up any form of campaign against this lab.

As for all the other garbage about HLS/MI5/MPS etc we categorically deny this. I can also state that Mandy Ford is totally aware of the identity of the man she met, his home address, his mobile and home telephone numbers. She is under no illusions about this person and the simple truth that the Camden Sanity Brigade is no more that a community collective of individuals dedicated to utilising all their democratic rights to prevent the BLISS lab being built. She is also aware that the CSB offers any opposition group our support, and indeed it is the CSB who were asked by Mandy to alter her documents and petition forms to include COALITION in the title. The CSB support a coalition of sanity. As our rep told her we number only Camden residents in our ranks and have no single ideological perspective on this matter other than we think the building of a bio containment centre and animal lab in Camden is an INSANE IDEA!

It is with great pity we disclose the fact that all the FACEBOOK campaigns against this lab our run by one Mandy Ford. As for support, there is none evident. We make no claims against Mandy other than she is deluded, dangerous and a thief. As for re education,yes we support the reeducation of people who steal and destroy the literature of others who support the aims she claims to hold.

We did not expect to deal with such small mindedness in this arena but the sad reality is there are an awful lot of lies being told here about a group of Camden residents, who at their own expense and in their own time have tried to inform the public at large about this proposal. We dont seek to control or manipulate any campaign, and will never do so. As for the snide cowardly allegation of pharmaceutical or state allegiance all we have to say is "perhaps the lady doth protest too much". In short none of our group would trust Mandy Ford as far as we could spit!

As for the comment about the blogs in general. We agree. It will soon be time to take action and not ramble on the internet. When that happens I do'nt think we'll see too much of Mandy our her cronies. ( whoever they are?)

We threaten no one, we ask for nothing from anyone except support for sanity! Some of you loke the blog, some do not. Its only a blog. The future will require action, and action speaks louder than words.

mail e-mail:

Actually Joe people did turn up but kept a distance as they were asked to.

10.07.2009 18:14

Due your sudden appearance and your having been following me about earlier [as will be verified on CCTV] I texted other people and asked them to observe rather than come over to speak to us due to the very odd leaflets that you admit making. Other people on the estate were waved away but you might have noticed several people watching by the gates to Clarence Gardens. I also asked that people who went to the Inspiral Lounge meeting keep their distance which they did.

As for your blog / leaflets you admit making an almost identical blog to that done by either Josie Hitchens or someone claiming to be her, worded in the same way with the same logo. You also admit having links to the man described above by whoever wrote the above. I have nothing to say about Josie Hitchens other than I would prefer that you leave her alone.

Other than that I have nothing to say other than people in Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab / Camden Danger Lab residents campaign do not want anything to do with you and we would prefer that you do not put anything about us on your blog or leaflets which I think is fair enough. Other people that came to the meeting were in fact in Inspiral Lounge at 8pm and we will hold our next meeting elsewhere. We did have a meeting later together somewhere else and the others agree that I did the right thing under the circumstances. If you wish to use the petition which is a generic petition used by residents worded in the same way as the online govt petition that is acceptable but we ask that you do not put anything else onto it.

I took those very strange leaflets as you had printed details on them which implied that they were the work of the residents campaign Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab / Camden Danger Lab when they were not.
Other residents and Animal Rights campaigners have seen the lealflets and have agreed that I was correct to remove them as that they were misleading etc. This can and will be verified.

I have nothing else to add.

Mandy Ford

To "Joe".

10.07.2009 18:29

Due to your following me earlier [verifiable on CCTV] and the several abusive phone callsfrom you I waved people away at the Clarence Gardens meeting although you might have noticed several people watching by the gates to the Gardens.

Following this I texted people going to Inspiral Lounge meeting [who in fact did turn up and met with me later] and asked that that they observe which they did. Myslef and these people met and spoke later.

Local residents have agreed that I was right to remove the very odd leaflets that you made as they implied that they were made by us when they were not. I was right to ask that you remove details regarding us from your leaflets and blog as they were misleading.

You have also admitted creating an almost indentically worded blog to one done by Josie Hitchens and using the same logo as her on your blog. I would imagine that she would prefer that you do not do this and I would suggest that you leave her alone. You also admit knowing the other man described as above [whoever he is] by whoever wrote the above.

Other residents and Animal Rights activists have agreed that I was right to remove the leaflets as they are misleading and you had put details on there that were misleading. They have agreed to remove any of these leaflets from anywhere else.

We have no problem with you using a generic petition worded in the same way as the online govt petition submitted by me as long as you do not write other details upon it or use it to abuse or harrass anyone.

We asked that you remove all reference to Camden Danger Lab / Stop Camden Bio Hazard and Animal Lab from your blog and leaflets as to have these details on them is misleading. We have agreed that we do not want to campaign with you and that you do so seperately from us.

Other than that I wish you all the best with campaigning against the lab as I hope many people in Camden will do. Camden is very diverse as I am sure the campaigns will reflect.

Mandy Ford

I think SHACWatch / Camden Sanity Brigade are the same person

10.07.2009 18:58

Firstly he has some kind of wierd obsession with Mandy Ford.

Secondly he has made an almost identical blog / using the same name / logo as on a woman's Facebook "by coincidence".

[Either that or the two of them are doing it together].

It seems like this guy has some very odd agenda going on...either mysoginy or he does in fact work for Huntingdon, he and all of this is certainly weird enough.

There are plenty of people against the Camden Lab both locally and elsewhere and the stuff done by "Joe" / "Jo" is likely to alienate animal rights people and residents alike.

I would just ignore him / them.


How pathetic

10.07.2009 22:34

There is so much written on the blogs trying to spread confusion and mis-information. This is supposedly some 'military style iformatio disruption campaign" or so it was sold to the customers. How pathtetic. It's a wannabe amateur playing at information campaign. I can' believe companies actually pay for this transparent rubbish.

A tip for all genuine activists. Don't worry about the he-said, she-said rubbish as a lot of it is mis-information by a certain person who likes to play at being James Bond. Just keep campaignning and laugh at th amount of money they vivisection industry pays these private security companies to do this childish rubbish.

Ade's shadow


11.07.2009 23:30

this sort of crap is what puts so many good people off getting/staying involved with animal rights and other campaigning. its childish and stupid. i wonder if suffering animals (no matter how much you try and say its not an animal rights campaign "Mandy" it quite clearly is, all one has to do is to look at your facebook groups to see that) care about who said what and who did what, things like this really make me embarrassed for the animal rights movement, it is so childish and pathetic, you just make yourselves look stupid and give the animal abusers a good laugh at the same time, please grow up and stop this, if you cant get on together just ignore one another


Playground fights

12.07.2009 11:17

All this comes across as alot of playground fighting and you know what, its this sort of rubbish which put people of AR campaigning, and I wouldn't blame them one bit, if there is problems between people they need to sort it out or ignore each other, not post rubbish about it on the net.


Playground games have taken a rather nastier turn.

12.07.2009 17:36

I am not going to give the disturbed babbling of a delusional female any more credibility than they deserve. All I can say is that I wrote a blog which offered support to ALL Camden residents who want to oppose the proposed BLISS Lab construction. This blog passed no information regarding this entity other than that which is freely available to all. Indeed the blog spoke of the failure by the consortium and the UK government, to properly consult the residents of Camden borough in relation to this proposal.

The title for the blog was "The Camden Sanity Brigade", because the author felt that the construction of a bio hazard containment facility less than a mile from his family's front door was an insane idea. The author could not understand why the government would allow such a construction programme to take place when their own intelligence services had opposed it on the grounds of threat. This fact has been detailed in a number of national newspapers, and the blog also gave details of the governments housing programme and the level of homelessness in Camden. Our need for improved social services and educational services was also identiifed The blog argued that this entity was unsafe for our future in Camden, and supported all opposition to it. No where in this blog did the author goad or entice anyone to break the law. Indeed the only direction it gave to any reader was to follow the link to the No 10 petition site against the lab.

The reasoning behind the blog has never been more than that of self defense. Defense of my, and my family's right to a safe and secure existence.Free from the threat of the release of air borne killer virus from a building that no one has entered into any real democratic public consultation about. The author is anti vivisection and the fact that this building will not only house deadly killer viruses but will also, as a side line, if you like, torture innocent creatures, was if anything simply a further reason for me to oppose it.

The blog gave information on animal testing, current arguments regarding this and pointed out that the USA government policy is to build all bio containment facilities on remote islands. The blog aimed at illustrating the madness of this proposal and aimed to help unite opposition ( of all types) to maximise the potential to succeed in preventing the proposal. Nothing more, nothing less.

On the blog the author asked readers to view and follow all internet activity regarding the proposal. As there is an almost complete lack of public consultation on this matter, the author gave the internet address of various campaigns and asked that they be supported. This was also repeated in a circular and pamphlet produced by the author.

When the author met with an individual from one of these campaigns who had been seen stealing the literature mentioned above he asked why? He was informed of a vendetta allegedly existing between 2 individuals and he was informed he had been misidentified as being involved with one half of this vendetta.

Since that meeting the author has been accused of being linked to the intelligence services or the pharmaceutical companies. It has been stated that the author is threatening people, goading and enticing people to commit acts they would not otherwise have done. The author has been depicted as some sort of pharmaceutical agent provocateur. The author has attempted to defend himself against these totally unfounded allegations. It is somewhat alarming that an individual, whose only action has been to produce a blog in search of support for opposition to this insane idea should be targeted in such a fashion. Without a single shread of proof or evidence! I have no link to any pharmaceutical company. I have even written on the blog of my family losses to cancer and my belief that Cancer Research is to a large extent no more than another capitalist rip off!

To those making these allegations I say fine prove it! You can visit me anytime, I after all gave you my address!

If matters had stopped there, things might just be managable. But no, it has now gone one step further to where I am being linked to a " campaign of rape and death threats" made against Camden residents. I have never threatened anyone with violence in my life, let alone threats to kill or use sexual violence. I have spent the weekend trying to pacify my wife who is totally emotionally drained by the fact that her husband's recent step into activism has, in only few months, resulted in such hideous claims. I have no idea why anyone would try and defame me to this extent. I have no recourse via the internet that will prevent this continuing but, I will be seeking legal advice on this issue, and specifically in relation to the channels from which these allegations are emanating if they continue.

I think it is insane to build a bio containment facility in Camden. I am not an animal rights activist, I am a people's rights activist. I think people have the right to know what is planned and what information is available about these plans. I have offered my support to anyone prepared to oppose this. I have not had any problems from other opposition groups. I have never sought to make anyone think my blog or my publications are made by others, or represent the thoughts of others. I am in possession of all publications and the blog speaks for itself. There is no goading or enticement or attempt to direct anyone in any way, the record is there and can be examined by all.

During my recent meeting,( on cctv or otherwise!) with an individual I outlined possible tools of opposition including full and democratic usage of residents powers as council tax payers, and council rent payers to flex their political muscle. I drew on my experience in other "struggles" to illustrate this relationship as being one of only ways of combatting the states misuse of anti terror laws in it's nullification of protest. Since that day I have become a spy, a policeman, an employee of a pharamaceutical company, an agent of the state, an agent provocateur goading the young innocent to throw away their lives in blind criminal acts against the BLISS consortium. None of this has any validity what so ever and I can disprove it easily. However, the recent development of my alleged links to " a campaign of rape and death threats" against Camden residents is the last straw.

This is not evidence of the decline of the Animal Rights movement. It is evidence, if any further was needed, of the diseased state of our democracy. I have a right to an opinion, my opinion is that the BLISS lab should not be built in Camden. Am I willing to be tarred as a criminal for this? No I am not.

I will not further detail the source of all this. I know it, and will be seeking appropriate legal advice, but from here it just seems that people prepared to utilise all their democratic rights to oppose insanity have at the flick of the hand been totally discredited and marginalised. Why ?

I am finished with this nonsense. I have a distraught wife to care for. I have only one thing to say, I have threatened no one. I have goaded no one and I have NEVER made any threats to anyone. To those that are pushing this bull shit I say " give us the proof, where are the details?" But then again you probably do not have to because the injunction is probably being prepared against me as we speak!! Either that or the old bill are on their way to my door for nothing! Thanks to all who helped in my character assassination.

How can there be a Sanity Brigade when it's already clear that the lunatics have taken over the asylum!

mail e-mail:

Re threats on your blog

15.07.2009 23:52

SHACWatch is fed by the police, MI5 and HLS.

"Joe Doyle" is known to whover does SHACWatch and Charity Watch.

"Joe" I doubt that MI5 or the police would have you as you are a few shillings short of a pound. It is more likely that you are friend of SHACWatcher and that you are co responsible.

You have tried to take responsibility for Charity Watch when this was done from someone from SPEAK Political. [She admits this and has admitted it several times]. Her "name" is Northern Tracey. Re read this : She had admitted it.

You have claimed sole responsibility for the Camden Sanity Brigade. The Camden Sanity Brigade is done by at least one other person one of whom is responsible for SHACWatch.

It is obvious to even the dimmest dimwit that SPEAK Political are a front for MI5. You claim to know "lots of people from SPEAK Political".

If it does indeed turn out that you are acting for HLS then no one will be surprised but I suspect that HLS will be upset by what you are doing on their behalf.


Not Adrian Radford AKA MANDY FORD

16.07.2009 14:54

I am totally fucking sick to death of your bull shit.

Your time is up

We are coming to get you ha ha.....

Go write a story on that!

stupid girl.

Not Adrian Radford AKA MANDY FORD

Not Adrian Radford AKA MANDY FORD

16.07.2009 14:54

I am totally fucking sick to death of your bull shit.

Your time is up

We are coming to get you ha ha.....

Go write a story on that!

stupid girl.

Not Adrian Radford AKA MANDY FORD

Josie Hitchens does SHACWatch

18.07.2009 17:31

Josie Hitchens does SHACWatch and evidence can be provided.


Rape threats and sex attacks need investigation

18.07.2009 21:36

The shac watch / camden sanity brigade people are depraved scum and need stopping.


The threats made towards Mandy Ford by SHACWATCHER.

18.07.2009 23:21

This looks like something that a child would do. It fits the SHACWATCHER profile. Why are you constantly threatening Mandy Ford or having a go at Lynn Sawyer?

"We are coming to get you" ..."Your time is up".

How pathetic.

This comes from a sad, fat little person who sleeps with a sledgehammer under the pillow as she was being looked for by people wanting to know why she informed on them.

This horrible, ugly little woman tried to scare someone with "Look at my big ring! Imagine if I hit someone with it on!" and worse still tried to scare away some youths with a can of Pet Corrector spray because they happened to walk past. Scary stuff.

What's much nastier is that the money raised from benefit gigs held by SHACWATCHER "for the animals" is being used to buy crack to pay crackheads to attack animal rights activists and to spy on them. Not good. It's cowardly and stupid.

Not only that but this ugly little harridan that hates Mandy Ford and Lynn Sawyer so much has been caught bang to rights doing SHACWATCH.

How on earth have you come to the conclusion that Adrian Radford and Mandy Ford are the same person? Isn't it time that you went to the shrink? Rehab maybe? Get a grip SHACWATCHER!!


Hitler and Rommel

19.07.2009 17:59

This whole dialogue puts one in mind of Adolf Hitler forcing Field Marshal Erwin Rommel to commit suicide for treason, when he was Germany's most loyal and effective army commander.

The only explanation for failure available to a certain type of revolution is betrayal: you are looking for traitors and infiltrators where there are none.

In all probability, Radford and other rumoured infiltrators exist only to create a legally-admissible explanation for things which MI5 and NECTU know by the application of technology. What GCHQ can do is NOT limited to what the American NSA and NRO have achieved, although the Yanks are far too arrogant and insular to think otherwise!

Once, long ago before the internet was invented, the ALF used to pin little messages to each other behind a wooden bollard in a tourist car park in the Malvern Hills. The SAS, who were trained to spot KGB and GRU dead-letter drops and who patrolled the Malvern area night and day to protect the local radar and signals lab, spotted the ALF dead letter drop almost instantly and amused themselves by slightly altering some of the secret messages. This caused great rage and fury in the ranks of the ALF when they realized they were being made to look foolish (a map was changed and they fell into a cesspit), but the truth was that the SAS just wanted them out of the way, before they crossed the paths of the very real KGB and GRU spies who were crawling around the same area at the time, possibly with fatal results.

If MI5 really is running an operation in Camden to make you all look like silly arses, and by heaven, you're helping there, has it ever crossed your minds that somebody really deadly is operating in that area too.
They are taking the piss, not targeting you with intent to prosecute; historically they have done this to try and persuade activists to move on before they get hurt.

Do mind how you go!

Port Elizabeth Boss

No...we have caught SHACWATCH. Josie Hitchens is SHACWATCH.

20.07.2009 01:50

Yep...she is. She has now publicly slated SHAC.

Looking for infiltrators


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