hey people! about a week ago a group of like minded peeps decided to act on a
brentford constituants anger that the MPs mr and mrs Keen AKA "mr and mrs expenses" had an abandoned first home which they were using to claim money for the their second home. we found it unlocked and in a state of disrepair.
we have generated a huge amount of publicity around the uk and internationally

general public on either the bankers or the politicians exaubitant extraction of
pretty much all funds from the "public purse". but now millions across the uk have
been exposed to this type of action and have physically given their support, we have
been unendated with letters, hampers and visits including cabbies sharing a pint and a chat in our basement. we have support from the both the far left and right (eek) so now is a good time to jump in unison from the sinking ship, but first lets make the mps and the bankers walk the plank!!!!!!!
ok so we've had the interim possesion order on our squat which belongs to the
extremely unnoble tax grabbin war votin, heathrow runway buildin, utter feck tards
the keens. our case is on friday and we need as much support as possible in terms of banners other campaigns targeting any number of the keens dodgy voting records since they skated into office on the curtails of the equally she-ite tory government to turn up and "give it some". It appears that the courts are helping the keens to fast track the case which shows the corrupt courts working in tandem with the corrupt
politicians, its for this reason that we must use the press coverage on the day to
voice our discent (this is all this action was ever about). Wouldn't it be great if
many others especially non activists atually stood up and used there anger and
disolution to act in ways louder than any petition, well judging by the response its
getting closer to a reality, but your support is needed. theres too much to say on
this issue as obviously with a politician your gonna find a guzzilin skelitons in
the proverbial closet contact us asap of you wanna get involved. we have maybe a few days left of occupation (possibly next monday)
for some of our press coverage and background into the action just search "ann keen squat" into your internet search engine
you can reach us on 07533192116
also join our face book group "ann and alan keens squatters network"
"I love war and your taxes and no we'll never vote how you want us too.... viva la
third runway"

Call out! Anne keen squat court date!
On the 26th june squatters occupied the 'main house' of MP's anne and alan keen. On Friday 10th June the court date for the repossesion will be heard at brentford
magistrates court, brentford, west london - nearest tube station gunnersbury or
overground to brentford
On the 26th june squatters occupied the 'main residence' of MP's anne and alan
keen.With nearly 100% local support (exception being the immigration minister
phillip willis standing on the doorstep, holdin the hand of his four year old whilst
screaming, jumping and pointing that we were 'fucking scum') the squatters attempted
to renevate the property with hopes of either transforming it into social housing, a
community centre or a refugee support centre. Last friday night a benefit gig was
held for refugee charity's around the world with mark thomas, attila the stockbroker
and wil hodgson raising £70 - 100 pounds.
On Friday 10th july the keen's will seek a repossesion order (IPO) in brentford
magistrates court, the occupiers are calling for a demonstration outside the
courthouse to highlight the systemic problem of corruption within all government and
to make public these particular MP's voting record's, including:
voting for the iraq war
against the investigation into the iraq war
for trident replacement
for I.D cards
against transparency in government expenses
for the 3rd heathow runway (1 1/2 hours after promising the pulic she would vote NO)
for the lisbon treaty
On the 10th july at 2pm we have an oppurtunity to tell this particularly insidious
couple that the decisions they have made over their last 12 years of power have been
not only been misrepresentive of their constituents opinions but caused misery
around the world.
Assemble outside the court from 1:30 to tell all politicians that they can no longer
assume that we will remain dormant whilst they ruin our world
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