White Australia policy by the Australian PMs, MPs and High Court Australia
Its been a fine implementation of White Australia Policy under stealth by the Howard Government, and continued on by the Rudd Government, in conjunction with a racist President of the Human rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, John von Doussa in collaboration with the australian judiciary and the High Court Australia.
Not only has the High Court Australia authorised the Apartheid policies against Aborigines and producing a generation of political prisoners such as Lex Wotton and Black Deaths in Custody, whose children will grow up without parents, the High Court Australia's racist dog-whistling has finally produced definitive results: The Cronulla Riots, Black Deaths in Custody, Judicial Corruption, and now Physical Assaults on International Students.
Sikh student becomes 20th Indian victim in Oz
White Man View of a Racist Nation
iWitness: Judicial Corruption