8:18 AM Jun 23rd from web
"Que pasa? I sent you Banzai! More More More! and Michael Jackson was no more!"
8:13 AM Jun 29th from web
Banzai! More More More Messenger Music (posted in my blog @ 6/23)
From Oldies Forum Lyric Request 11/2/07 "I am looking for the lyrics to Banzai. It was a hit by the original Ramones of NYC or upstate NY in the early sixties. Banzai is a Japanese greeting, cheer, or war cry meaning, "May you live ten thousand years!" It went something like: "I give you loving. You give me nothing. I give you kisses. They keep on missing. Banzai Banzai doo doo doo doo doo Banzai...." Then the Ramones did More More More and it started climbing the charts. I know most of the words to More More More. The entire earth moved on the Ramones and erased all traces of them because of More More More. I was only able to find a record of them via the original Top 40 chart books. The lyrics to More... were not profane but many people considered them obscene. They were one of the best bands of the early sixties. The Ramones of the 70s were probably promoted to cover up who the original Ramones were. Get me the lyrics to Banzai and I'll give you the lyrics to More More More. It will drive you mad, I promise, especially when you hear how these Ramones performed it. Andrea True Connection's More More More and even Britney's Gimmie More are pathetic spinoffs arising from a song that made the entire earth move on these Ramones. Hasta luego, adios. BobbyMeade
12/11/07 Oh! Hell with it! Here's:
More More More by the original Ramones of upstate New York
See that girl up on the hill!
She won't do it, but her sister will!
You gimme more more more!
See that girl all dressed in red!
She's got a parking meter by her bed!
You gimme more more more!
See that girl all dressed in blue!
She's got enough for me and you!
You gimme more more more!
There's more, but that was the best lines probably. It came out @ 1965. These Ramones did Banzai! It was a hit, top ten. Then More More More came out. It was climbing the charts, and that was the end of them. There is much worse music out there today. Why did they let such a thing happen? These Ramones that came after them were supposed to replace them or something like that. There's a lot of spinoffs from this song, but none of them can hold a candle to this. These Ramones would be pointing out girls in the audience dressed in those colors too as they sang these lines. I bet they would have been as big as the Beatles if they weren't moved on by the entire earth. Now does anyone know the lyrics to Banzai better than what I have furnished in Lyric Requests?"
So that's what I made available. What do you think happened? Did some joker send Michael Jackson the song and not tell him who BroBubbaBob was or who the Ramones were? Did they say, "This is from the Ramones, but they don't really want to do it!"? Did they say, "Sing this to Britney and tell her this is where her Gimmie More came from."? I heard that the Ramones were murdered horribly violently by the Bush Nazis and that is one of the reasons that they want to suppress this music. On the other hand, maybe the Beatles did it! Are they still trying to promote their "merry-go-round music"? "Have you heard the Word, our friend is gonna be a star!"
See bobbymeade.blogstream.com ;
or www.destinationbangormaine.blogspot.com Also twitter.com/BroBubbaBob
Well! Gee! Ok! Say goodbye to your sh*theads for me! "hello, Hello, HELLO! goodbye, Goodbye, GoodBye, GOODBYE! And that's ALLLL there IS!!!"
"I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me." (Is. 65:1)
By Bobby Meade