The person who ordered her ejected was her own state representative, John Mickel, the Speaker of the House.
What happened to her when she went to Parliament is detailed in Armed Police Eject Mother From Queensland Parliament

Government has never publicly acknowledged or commented on her documented and corroborated claim that the courtroom audio tapes and transcripts in court hearings in the Anti Discrimination Tribunal and the Supreme Court were repeatedly severely edited in order to pervert the course of justice.
Her son was repeatedly denied legal youth advocacy throughout the court hearings in breach of The Rights Of The Child and The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1976), and was left with no alternative but to appoint his untrained mother as his legal youth advocate.
The four judges mentioned in the judicial abuse and corruption complaint by Jennifer Nash are, Queensland Supreme Court Judges Ann Lyons and Roslyn Atkinson, Queensland Anti Discrimination Tribunal Judges Jean Dalton QC and Robert Wensley QC, who is the brother of the Governor of Queensland, Penelope Wensley.
"Equal treatment before the law is a pillar of democratic societies. When courts are corrupted by greed or political expediency, the scales of justice are tipped, and ordinary people suffer. Judicial corruption means the voice of the innocent goes unheard, while the guilty act with impunity" Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International."
This matter is explained further in Breakdown of the rule law