International System of Units: Revised as of JUne 17 2009
(please note further if you are a multiculturalist, feminist, anti-nazi or any other junk-yard dog of capitalism you might be offended by the following so don't read on)
1 dead jumping horse = 10000004645 Human Beings
1 Human Being = 234000098888 immigrants useful to Capitalism (IUC's)
1 IUC = 10^716 MUslims
1 MUslim = 99934256766 Christians plus 1 bag of Horse Mnure
1 Christian = a picture of 1 monkeys a-hole plus some dogfaeces
1 aboriginal or other native people = GOdel formula of all the above. 0r 1 googol
(whichever is larger).
We suggest an immediate revision of all school texts to accommodate our research findings.