Monday 25th May - Sunday 31st May 2009
Mad Science May is all about protesting against companies who are funding cruel and unnecessary experiments inside HLS.

Feel free to download the award and hand it in during a demonstration, or post it to Mad Science customers!
PDF format

Click below to see our databases of HLS's customers for protest locations.


Please visit our resources page to order leaflets and posters for protests:

If you are ordering resources for the week of action, please write a note when you make the order so we can post your order using first class post if necessary to ensure you receive campaign materials on time. If you are ordering materials outside the UK, remember that it takes around 3-5 days to deliver orders to Europe and around 7-10 days for orders outside the EU.
If you live in an area where you cannot get to a customer of HLS, then please make sure you send emails, write letters and make phone calls to support those who are out on the streets.
Please send demo reports in to

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