Constant is a long-standing member of Leicester Civil Rights Movement and until his detention, he has attended our meetings regularly and made a very positive contribution. He has worked with all nationalities and attended conferences on our behalf and contributed to our newsletter (Insaf). Constant is honest and has helped other LCRM members. He was also a church warden in Leicester and thought of highly by the church.
There is no free speech in Congo Brazzaville as confirmed by Freedom House in 2008. Constant was an active member of the Union Pour la Democratic Sociale (UPADS) where he campaigned for freedom of speech and democracy until he had to flee the country. His brother, also active in the organisation, disappeared and has never been seen since and we now know that his two younger sisters, Pelagie and Felicite, died in 2007 after being arrested by the republic's authorities.
At the very least, Constant will be imprisoned if he returns and given his brother and sisters’ fate, we fear he will also be killed. Prison conditions in Congo Brazzaville are appalling and amount to inhumane torture. Constant has no family members or friends in Congo Brazzaville who can support him.
Background: Sanctuary for Constant Moussavou

We urge you to do all you can to stop his deportation on Monday.
What can you do? Please see the following 3 Action Points:
1) Please fax/phone/email, Mr Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, Chief Executive Officer, Air France and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Constant Moussavou - attached model fax ConstantMoussavouFA.doc (you can copy/amend/write your own version - if you do, please include the following details: Constant Moussavou due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Monday 18th May at 6.40pm on AF1981 Air France.

Phone: 00 33 1 41 56 78 00 ~~~~~~ Fax: 020 8584 4417
Press & Communications Manager:

Naomi Dulfer Tel: 020 8584 4406
Mobile/24 Hour Contact: 077 9891 7611
Please do this immediately.
Even if you can't fax - please phone and leave a message or email saying you are concerned about Constant's health and well being.
2) Please send urgent faxes/Emails immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office. Model letter ConstantMoussavouJS.doc attached which you can copy/amend/write your own version; if you do so, please remember to include the HO Ref M1200382.

Fax: 020 8760 3132 / + 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK
Please also copy your letter to Sir Peter Soulsby, MP Leicester South at

3) Please notify LCRM of any messages sent:

Thank you for reading this email and please act now.
Yours sincerely,
Priya Thamotheram, Chair, Leicester Civil Rights Movement.