I think detention is meant for bad people who have done wrong in the society and they end in jail. I have done nothing wrong now I have a criminal record and I am an ex convict because I have come to the UK to be safe with my dad.
My experience in Yarl's Wood prison was terrifying, like in a concentration camp in the war movies I watch on TV. We always stood in a queue for our meals and were always counted before we went to bed and every day they lock us in the rooms at night after counting and making sure we were complete. My sister is still in shock after all the experiences from this horrible place. sometimes I wish I sleep and don't wake up anymore because all this is too much for my family to bear.
My daddy has a lot of pain from the bullet inside of him and I always pray he makes it to the next day because it is scary to live with the thought of your dad having a live bullet inside of him. If I go back to Africa I would end up being an Orphan with no parents to care for me and I would end up not having a future as a solicitor that is if I am alive because the military will do anything to kill my daddy.
I am writing this to everyone to help my family and get us out of this horrible situation that looks like a holocaust.
Desmond Nwose / H. O. Ref: N1117819
If you want to contact me, send an E-mail C/o of my dad:

Online petition: Save Desmond Nwose and his family

Stephanie 12, Desmond 11 and Raphael 6, refuse to leave Yarl's Wood