Gates's inferior product MSDOS was used to power the IBM PC, the superior DRDOS was not offered. IBM failed in a Capitalist duty.
Gates has been getting patents for software that should be obvious to any competent engineer. He has brought the whole idea of patents into disrepute.
And talk about rip off! He sells operating systems to suckers for £70 that he is pleased to sell for £7 to people he wants to help control.
This latest Bond issue does show that Gates is a first rate stock market rip off artist, possible on a par with that King of the stock market rip off Joe Kennedy. He is borrowing at a low interest rate ready for buying businesses dirt cheap when the Market realises the fools paradise it is rising in. His insurance if he has read it wrong is that Hyperinflation will wipe out this debt he has acquired to another set of suckers.
That lot triggered by

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