They took the bread of our children
THE April 14, 1999, was dismissed from the energy company of Chaco Province, called SECH.EEP, residing at Calle Saenz Peña N º 170 - Resistencia, Chaco Province, Argentina. During the military dictatorship was formed as an authoritarian and corrupt management in the company, which lasted through time and the successive democratic governments. Thus the Government to assume the Radical Party and its pseudo-alliance, he was appointed Member of the Board Mr. Carlos E. Camargo, a friend of Governor Ángel Rozas, man formed during the military dictatorship, who since taking began a fierce persecution against the union delegates and against all who were a hindrance or opposition to his dictatorial and corrupt management of the company. To do so with the support of the governor. As a democracy we can all be improved to benefit the people, not a dictatorship. This man turned his persecution especially against me in my capacity as regards the union and union slim Light and Power did note that his dictatorial traits and management of the company is unclear. Their actions led him to undergo treatment to arbitrary and discriminatory misconduct, violating my human rights. This persecution is mirrored in its highest expression to the dismissal was without just cause, illegal and unconstitutional. Being fired union had jurisdiction.
In this situation started a series of administrative resources to achieve the effects return to my job, which were blocked by the officials and his friend the Governor Ángel Rozas. That governor was marked by support and shelter in their government to former members of the genocidal dictatorship, as the officer in question. Accordingly, after a year of layoffs and not finding answers to the institutions that exist to address these facts, I decided to install a tent claim to recover from my job that I was unfairly dismissed. After years of waiting for responses from administrative, legislative and judicial, I proceeded to install a tent in my claim that the job I was fired for defending the labor rights of fellow workers and myself and expose a plan for privatization of energy and acts of corruption involving essentially the said Director, backwardness because the dictatorship of the date, 2009, survives under that structure and parasite encysted in the company.
First the purpose of my battle plan was to install a tent and not only in litigating administrative and judicial public but also to achieve the return to my job and reclaim public space as a tool for the claim and protest and unwavering defense of the company in the orbit of the state.
Secondly, ensure that the actions of these institutions and the purpose for which they were created to develop a framework of transparency and legality, serve the people-oriented and not the personal interests of staff on duty.
Thirdly, to say that this is a fight for principles in which officials who deviate from the law must know that their actions will not bring to fruition, and finally triumphs truth and justice, so the termination This fight will occur when the total reached my claim, ie, the return of my job -
In this sense carries out nearly nine years of struggle since the protest tent opposite the Secheep company, which met on July 12, 2009, and since the first day of the installation said I was going to be and claim the time necessary, ten, twenty or more years ... to end the injustices committed against the workers.
The leaves also revealed that the unions did not represent the rights of workers as a final solution, I went to the CGT, Chaco region, and did CONCERNING MAJOR even international reporting violation to freedom of association ILO in order to put pressure on the entity definition in a time of need for workers who are left to the sound of God, are not sufficient either for so-called administrative procedures, which is to delay the claim.
And justice, a major debtor of the company, which is precisely the mission of doing justice, removes bugs and incomplete functional, not to contradict the rulers of arbitrary shifts and leaving the bad decisions that involve civil rights of people and in this case of a worker. Sentencing but not order reparation. So one reason for this struggle involves the lack of independence of the judiciary from political power.
The judiciary does not understand that when justice comes late, and ceases to be justice.
Since carp also tried to sensitize the public that the electoral victories should not be used to persecute those who do not feel like winners, or those opposed to the violators of rules, laws, constitutional provisions, international treaties on rights human, and so on.
The world knows that the government of the military dictatorship in 1976-83 was declared internationally as a terrorist and genocidal state - occurred more than 30 thousand prisoners and missing, and thousands of union and political persecution. Workers were the biggest victims of the effects of state terrorism, but in democracy that began in 1983, sadly to say, there are still underground and surface linear government continue with the same terrorist methods.
Conde Olgado is a victim of state terrorism and abuse of power by democratic governments.
Justice in this case determined that the case brought by the employer was therefore unlawful dismissal was unlawful, that the company acted as unfaithful, committing discriminatory treatment, arbitrary and misconduct against the worker and Miguel Benito Conde Olgado thus violating constitutional norms, but above all in violation of my human rights. But not ordered to reinstate me to my job in a limited situation that led the employer to believe that with only one compensation payment of ending the case, and this is not true because even the United Nations provides that when the state commits violation of human rights, ends when the cause was fully repaired the damage caused to the victim. In this case the damage remains that I have not been reinstated to my job, nor was I completely repaired, or my or my family, the damage inflicted by the state chaqueño through one of their companies as is Secheep.
From this public place where I installed my tent protest claiming I waived my rights to recover my work and the inalienable right to be treated according to my lofty dignity of human beings. And no state official has the right to usurp powers not conferred on him by either the constitution or by law, such as determining who may belong to the staff of a company.
Since the "TENT" I raised my voice against the abuses and legal violations that were committed against the energy company, becoming a place of social struggle against the vices of an authoritarian government with full powers.
Also in this instance I was being persecuted by the company: the attempted fire, I was physically and psychologically assaulted by personnel of the guard, was the subject of unfounded allegations, I attempt to dislodge through a trial, but failed to be it guarantees the eviction because the claim is a right that every citizen is constitutionally.
Carp from the installation are transformed in a space around the common claim of citizenship Chaco, the continuing violations by the authorities in power, so much so that the world became aware of the genocide of our brothers Aboriginal people with the active participation of friends and collaborators of the tent. . Claim from the cathedral church of the city of Resistencia Chaco. Also from this place was claimed by the indiscriminate and uncontrolled deforestation of our forests and the fraudulent sale of public land, overexploitation and poisoning our land, pollution of our waters, corruption in public services and ministries should heed social problems, etc..
At present, however, have made rulings favorable to my claim I failed to be reinstated to my job and continued steadfast in his tent and fight for the truth that at some point must come to light. With the arrival of a government of different political hoped the realization of justice and despite having worked together to produce change in our province infamous after a decade in which all kinds of abuse committed against the rights of workers the normal functioning of institutions and laws, the government forgot to solve this problem that is emblematic in the province, and ceded the spurious interests of the corporation of electricity and of interests of the previous administration Such is the case that the company has changed and nothing Secheep justice to my cause again been delayed. Despite having succeeded in the courts of first instance, is declared invalid for unlawful dismissal, and in second sentence in the first instance which confirms the high value of a sentence that demonstrates and confirms the first persecution, discrimination, arbitrariness and negligent acts against me, Benito Miguel Conde Olgado, still awaiting repair of their human and civil rights that were affected by a company of unscrupulous officials of the state.
Justice has a large debt, the company and confirm that the state should chaqueño redress the rights of my family and me who were affected.
The fight continues in court as though no failure to achieve the above mentioned to the company's refusal to return my work as a logical and common sense suggests, and that being declared invalid by the legal act of the company that originated I fired, would have returned to my job and did not, I was under obligation to submit other resources, which are to end the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in seeking justice for my sake. Resources to support my employees' rights are essential, especially when committed violations of human rights as established justice, in addition to fulfilling the duties of steward and to be fired in addition to the absolute stability of the employee own or public as set out in Article 14a of the Constitution, ie the time they had fired twice immunity.
It is ten years of struggle and almost nine out of carp and will continue for longer. A record I went to Por Esto's Guinness Record for this institution to know the world is not just for anecdotario as a city, but as a fact worthy of value that is a peaceful struggle of values and principles that should prevail first and foremost. I therefore consider that visibility and recognition of it through the Guinness Record's call to contribute to the reflection of officials who believe that public service can do what they want to prejudice people with unlimited outrage. This fight is record's protest in a public space by an employee.

Miguel Benito Conde Olgado
The Tent of

10 years of struggle