In this chaotic system-society,Seems most experts & government leaders will still be assesing situ still or trying to save themelves+ their families first as they know their isnt a
proper cooperative democratic system in place
80+ out of 1400 people fallen in Mexico have died from recent outbreak thats possibly a category 5 pandemic, like spanish influenza that killed 40 million.
This is a good time to kick any habits & stick to as healthy a diet as possible, preferably get as much of a raw food diet possible, with plenty of vitc,garlic & green tea.

A businessman in UK has just comeback from Mexico with Swine flu symptoms & tests today confirmed 8 students at a NewYork high school had contracted swine flu, Shut down passenger flights asap!!!

NHS pandemic plan 2005, worth reading.

From Flu Wiki,html, download this&DOUBLECHECK MEDICAL ADVICE.
Supplies per sick person (Woodson):
* Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) Supplies
o Table Salt (1lb)
o Table Sugar (10lb)
o Baking Soda (6oz)
* Household bleach (1gal)
* Tums Ex (500 tablets)
* Acetaminophen (100 tablets)
* Ibuprofen (100 tablets)
* Benadryl(60 tablets)
* Green tea (1lb)
* Tamiflu: 2 packets
* Probenecide
* Amantadine
* Relenza
* flu-shot
* pneumovax-shot
* antibiotics (good discussion from the forum - See: Antibiotics-08 March 2006, JV – at 22:06)
* elderberry
* vitamin D
* Equipment
o Blood Pressure monitor (automated may be easier to use, but consider batteries)
o Thermometer
o Bedpan
o Measuring cup (500cc/2cup - for measuring urine)
o Notebook (per patient - for recording vital signs and medical assesments)
o Timer with alarm (time between patient checkups)
* Supply of existing prescriptions for each person
Stock up on water & food, read up on wild food supplies & get a hand grinding juicer for making grass etc edible. Have washable clothes plus get a pair of boots out or washable boots & have a foot wash area for them & yourself when coming in & out of house if it gets that bad.
If you have medical skills get together, set up a space in a community building for yourselves to work from& help the NHS,maybe a good secure clean squat if possible.
NHS will have action plan in swing, but we cannot rely on it & we have to help our comrades. Its already been shown that government plan to isolate people with symptoms with the Northhampton guy.
Worth having a contingency plan to leave cities in one safely, to a safer area if it kicks off, but best not to move around too much.
End Tamiflu patents for shikimic acid from Star Anise & any patenting on Bacteria phages that have been succesfully used in ex Soviet countries.
Other potential sources of shikimic acid include the sweetgum and ginkgo trees. In addition, quinic acid, derived from the bark of the cinchona tree, is a potential alternative base material for the production of oseltamivir. We need to be wary of production of the acid involving fermentation of genetically-modified bacteria after the GMTegenero, elephant men cases that were all over the papers afew years ago
Be wary of TEGENERO like genetic vaccines& CYTOKINETIC STORMS which flu's like Bird Flu kill people by, echinicea increases cytokinetic storms,so check to make sure this Swine flu strain doesnt act that way

Baxter international Czechs manmde pandemic flu & UK manmade is Mexican virus another mistake