In this chaotic system,Seems most experts & government people will be assesing situ still or trying to save themelves+ their families first as they know their isnt a
good coordinated democratic system in place designed for people & life to generally survive

NHS pandemic plan 2005

From Flu Wiki html
Supplies per sick person (Woodson):
* Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) Supplies
o Table Salt (1lb)
o Table Sugar (10lb)
o Baking Soda (6oz)
* Household bleach (1gal)
* Tums Ex (500 tablets)
* Acetaminophen (100 tablets)
* Ibuprofen (100 tablets)
* Benadryl(60 tablets)
* Green tea (1lb)
* Tamiflu: 2 packets
* Probenecide
* Amantadine
* Relenza
* flu-shot
* pneumovax-shot
* antibiotics (good discussion from the forum - See: Antibiotics-08 March 2006, JV – at 22:06)
* elderberry
* vitamin D
* Equipment
o Blood Pressure monitor (automated may be easier to use, but consider batteries)
o Thermometer
o Bedpan
o Measuring cup (500cc/2cup - for measuring urine)
o Notebook (per patient - for recording vital signs and medical assesments)
o Timer with alarm (time between patient checkups)
* Supply of existing prescriptions for each person
Be wary of TEGENERO like genetic vaccines& CYTOKINETIC STORMS as done by Bird Flu that echinicea increases.

Baxter international Czechs manmde pandemic flu & UK manmade is Mexican virus another mistake