The initiative to grant her the title came from the faculty of economy and sociology at the University, involved back in Eighties in workers sefl-management movement and support for the Solidarity struggle, as a clear sign of turning the faculty into the neoliberal economy and tribute to one of its founders.
Granting the title to Thatcher in the middle of economic meltdown caused by her politics, in the 25 aniversary of great miners strike in UK is a sheer political provocation and an act of servilism of the University authorities towards neoliberal government of Poland. It's also a slap in a face for more than 2 milion Polish citizens forced to leave the country due to the economic collapse and 30% unemployment, caused by implementation of thatcherism in Poland in early Nineties.
Anarchist movement in Lodz is currently making its preparation for a visit of Iron Cunt in the city to receive the title, we will give the exact date of this shameful event as soon as it will be reveiled by the Uni. We will welcome everybody willing to make a trip to Lodz to express one's feelings towards Thatcher and neoliberal politics during her visit.
You can also drop a line to the rector of the Uni at the address giver below:
Rector of University of Łódź,
Professor Włodzimierz Nykiel Ph.D.
ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź
fax: (042) 665 57 71,

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