There is an online petition with the government to oppose the lab plans.

You can also oppose planning permission in writing, by phone, email or in person at
Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
We have been told that the River Fleet runs beneath the proposed lab site at Brill Place. Northwest Holst soil engineers have been drilling holes and digging trenches in a safety assessment. The holes were screened off from the public. Water and clay coming up from the holes drilled were however clearly visible to people walking past. It seems that water is not far below the surface. It does not take a genious [!] to work out that building a high level bio lab on top of a river isn't the safest and best idea. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked into the water supply from similar govt facility Pirbright in Surrey as a result of badly maintained drains and watery surrounds. This led to catastrophic results and nationwide disater with thousands of animald culled by the army and movement restrictions for farmwers and farm animals all over the UK. Imagine if there were such a pathogen leak in central London, so close to the Channel Tunnel in an urban residential, business and tourist district so close to major transport hubs?
Stop Camden Animal Lab agrees with MI5 that this lab poses a danger to the public and should be opposed. We believ that Grodon Brown should listen to MI5 and withdraw his backing from this ill thought out lab idea.
Please oppose this and send us your planning application experiences to :
Stop Camden Animal Lab
c/o 102 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London N1.
Stop Camden Animal Lab is an inclusive campaign that anyone can join or support.
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