Meanwhile, Paul Kagame's ruthless Directorate of Military Intelligence has reportedly dispatched some 300 agents to Europe to kill RPF opponents; some of these agents are operating under cover as bogus asylum seekers in Europe and North America. US Homeland Security is getting involved..
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Story is from French Intelligence Agency.
09.04.2009 15:13
Now, just as Israeli agents are flooding the internet with revisionist propaganda about the genocide in Gaza, French agents (who themselves are very closely linked to their Israeli counter-parts) are now doing the same with respect to the Holocaust in Rwanda.
I guess we are going to see how tolerant Indymedia is of Holocaust denial, when that Holocaust is the Israeli Holocaust in Gaza, or the French Holocaust in Rwanda.
HRW is, of course, an intelligence operation run and funded by George Soros (a name that has certainly been back in the press recently). HRW clothes itself in pseudo-respectability by carefully picking relatively harmless issues to appear to criticise governments of the west, and uses these highly publicised acts as a cloak for its real intelligence operations.
Such revisionism (like the constant attempt these days to suggest that the Muslims were the villains of the Bosnia War) do not attempt to rewrite the memories of any true scholar of history, but change the perception of the past in the minds of the masses, thus allowing politicians empowered by these masses to operate as they wish.
I will assume, since those that post such evil nonsense know what they are doing from a constant analysis of internet 'chatter' obtained by deep-packet inspection of all internet traffic, that placing such propaganda on back-waters like Indymedia still serves a useful purpose.
For 99.9% of all people, 'History' is nothing but the propaganda fed to them at school and in the media by those that currently control both outlets of information. And why are people so carefully taught such fake or biased information if it serves no purpose?
The Rwanda genocide was a clear reminder that the treatment of the dark-skinned Humans of Africa as 'less than animals' by European powers continues to this day. The consequence of the genocide was that Israel and the USA massively increased their efforts to get themselves a 'slice of this pie', and now we are getting reports of growing acts of mass slaughter in Africa by both Israel and America. Is it any wonder we are seeing renewed efforts to demonise the people of Africa, and diminish the history of Holocaust against them.
Strike back. Go spend an hour or so reading about the atrocities of Europe in Africa during the 20th century (yes, you read that date correctly). In particular, perhaps you'd like to refresh your memory about the atrocities carried out by France and Belgium (Belgium is famous for something after all- a Holocaust vastly more wicked than even that of the Nazis).
Fight the Holocaust Denial
Well dude just above
09.04.2009 16:39
Other than that and not related to the dude just above, I think that if there was a target in that airplane that crashed killing Des Forges, it was perhaps not her but rather Beverly Eckert that was the target...
Kagame regime is a client state of the US
09.04.2009 17:13