"In Poland one still can talk on issues, that in the West may end up breaking Your career. In Poland one can openly criticise homosexualism, feminism, or issues combined with immigrants. In the West they are taboo subjects. Thus- as long as Poland exists, freedom exists"
-from the Rzeczpospolita, Polish conservative daily co-owned by Mecom (51 %) and Polis government (49 %). Direct link:
Well. Controversive statement, for the freedom of speech in Poland works only in one side. For conservatives. Imagine that BBC would be chaired by Nick Griffin- this is what we have now with former Neonazi, Mr Farfal, as the CEO of Polish Television. Never in my lifetime have I seen a true liberal person speaking in the publicly owned media.
Cheers, Adam Fularz,
Polska Liberalna (Liberal Poland), Zieloni 2004 (Polish Greens)
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Scruton's idea of freedom seems to be...
01.04.2009 01:21
Well, he found his place now: a country where catholic conservatives hold a combined 81% of parliament seats, the Vatican annually receives an estimated billion pounds from the national budget (mostly through so called land restitution), the clergy effectively doesn't have to abide to any laws, children are being forcefully indoctrinated at school, and you can't spend a day without seeing a bloody bishop opening yet another church on TV.
People are leaving Poland: workers because they are exploited while unionists deal with politics, students and researchers who instead of concentrating on their work have to find their way through truly feudal dependencies in the academia, homosexuals who are being harrassed and called sick by the public media, atheists because they can't stand living under papal occupation. Finally all people who have had enough of being told how to live their lives. Calling this freedom is slap in their face.
But we will go back to Poland, Mr Scruton (which you should be happy about, after all you and your mates don't event want us here) - we will go back and fight for our right to decide about ourselves. Enjoy your 'freedom' while you still can.
Scruton - Crypto-fascist joke
01.04.2009 07:55
This is a man that has seriously argued that the only acceptable form of sex is the missionary position in marriage sanctioned by the Church, anything else is presumably "evil".
I take it as a great compliment to this country that the views of such a nasty antidiluvian reactionary are now seen as socially unacceptable. It is a shame for Poland if his views might be seen as "officially approved" there!
Scruton would like to see Britain back under an absolutist Catholic monarch.......
Scruton is pants