Well known Indigenous activist Splitting-the-Sky, a veteran of struggles including, Attica and Gustafsen Lake, was arrested in Calgary during a speaking engagement by former US President George Bush. STS and others arrested were protesting Canada's refusal to enforce war crimes law which compels suspects be barred from entry or held for trial.
Protest demonstrations outside the Calgary Telus Center, against a speaking engagement by ex US President and unindicted war criminal George Bush, saw arrests including that of Splitting the Sky a well known Indigenous activist. At time of this writing he had not yet been released. There are concerns for his safety as authorities in both countries, have long demonstrated animus towards him for his stands over the years.
Urgent Action:
Please contact Calgary Police Services and demand his immediate release:
Calgary Police Services:
cps@calgarypolice.ca cc:
info@peoplevbush.ca video of his arrest may be seen at:
http://www.mtl911truth.org/?p=1196 See also: 'W' Do Not Enter Canada
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=12759 Canada Had A Duty:
http://www.straightgoods.ca/2009/ViewFeature.cgm?Ref=156 Is is expected that similar demonstrations will occur on May 13, 2009 when Condoleeza Rice visits Calgary for a speaking engagement at the University of Calgary.
For further information:
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Anti-Bush Activist Assaulted, Released on Bail
19.03.2009 17:50
For further information and to hear interview:
Johnny Canuck