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Since then we have been working hard to judge the political situation in Nepal and we have come to the conclusion that, at this stage, a combination of Nepalese Parlaimentary democracy and the forthcoming Supreme Court action should be sufficient to ensure the monkeys are released and monkey farming is permanently ended in Nepal.
Thanks to your efforts, no monkey has been exported from Nepal and it seems less and less likely that any animals will now be exported in the future. Therefore, as a show of faith, today we are calling for an end to direct protests against the Nepalese government at their embassies and consulates.
We will continue to monitor the political situation closely and we will keep you informed of the latest developments, and if there is even the slightest hint that the monkey farming will be allowed to continue then we will call for immediate protests!
We would like to stress that the campaign against Nepal is not over yet, nor will it be until every monkey has been freed and the monkey farms have been closed permanently. In the next few days we will also be launching the 'Free Them' campaign, which will be a new and innovative initiative to keep the pressure on Nepal's government in a non-confrontational manner.
We are still calling for a tourism boycott, and we ask all those who have the opportunity to keep up the pressure on their tourism industry. We will also be announcing some new targets over the next few weeks, so we hope that we can rely on your continued support in confronting the global primate trade...both in Nepal and elsewhere!!!
Always for the animals,
For more information on the G2H campaign please visit:--