Britain is now harbouring a menacing enemy within
leading article, Daily Express, 11 March 2009
For British troops returning home after risking their lives in the cause of bringing democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan to face abuse from Islamic demonstrators in Luton is a sickening development.
The men of the Royal Anglian Regiment kept their cool in the face of demonstrators who branded them "cowards, killers and extremists". [...]
British Army commanders have spoken of finding themselves fighting British Muslims in Afghanistan - a "mini civil war", one called it. On current trends, that civil war will soon be waged on the home front, too. [...]
Most British Muslims mean their non-Muslim neighbours no harm. But it is becoming increasingly clear that a substantial number are determined to wage a jihad against this nation.

Why do we indulge the enemy within?
Daily Mail, leader, 13 March 2009

Inside Afghanistan a British civil war is gathering pace
by Leo McKinstry, Daily Express, 27 February 2009
British troops in the blood-stained wastelands of Afghanistan are [...] confronted by a new enemy: home-grown jihadists who were reared in Britain and have travelled to Afghanistan

‘We are fighting British jihadists in Afghanistan’ (*)
Top Army officers reveal surge in attacks by radicalised Britons
by Kim Sengupta, Independent, 25 February 2009
(*) front page headline of the print version

Miliband: The security situation in Pakistan is fuelling terrorist plots in Britain
Foreign Secretary David Miliband commented on the situation in Pakistan during an interview on BBC Radio 4 on Friday 6 March.
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