"United we stay- Collective, offensive, subversive".
Mobilization Video:

early 90's there were more than 100 squats and now there remains only a
few autonomous spaces. They are living culture projects.
As redevelopments, modernisation and refurbishments continue, so does
the attack on our remaining free spaces. We are being expelled from the
city. There are currently about 10 projects endangered in Berlin.
Gentrification is a process which doesn?t just attack, it also chases
away parts of the population from their living areas, their social
There are many who cannot and do not want to fit into the beautiful
image of Berlin and its rich city centre of Neo liberal capitalism. Not
just Berlin, everywhere. We do not want to be chased away without
Our projects are colourful, diverse and also we as individuals are loud
and powerful. We want to go to the streets together and demand:
-A political solution for all house projects.
-Detailed solutions for the current endangered house projects and wagon
places now. Immediatly!
-We demand an end to the neo liberal city reorganisation.
The city belongs to everybody!
Berlin should stay colourful, political, creative, full of solidarity,
lively, diverse, but also affordable for everybody.
United we stay-collective, offensive, subversive!
To find expression for our rage organise creative actions outside of the
demonstration within the city, we welcome solidary actions in the entire
country and everywhere.
Come to Berlin, organise yourself, stay spontanious.
We need to stay together, full in solidarity for our autonomous spaces,
for emancipatory projects and uncommercial culture.
Make your own "redevelopments" and reorganise the city in rebellion
against the expulsion of our living projects!!!!!!!
Against expulsion and repression!
For more self organisated life in Berlin and worldwide!!!!!
Fr. 3/13 from 6 pm, Rigaerstr. 78: Infos, Worshops, Food
Sat. 3/14 3 pm, Hermannplatz/Neukölln: DEMO!
Sun. 3/15 from 2 pm, Köpi: Breakfast, 3pm Plenum
Watch out for infopresentations nearby!!!
The demo concept and more, you can find information at:
unitedwestay.noblogs.org or wba.blogspot.de