George Bush is a person credibly accused of torture and other gross human rights violations, crimes against humanity and war crimes.. LAW to Canadian Gov't
Letter from Lawyers Against War
...The Minister of Immigration is legally bound to prevent Bush's entry into Canada at any time and for any reason, second, if Bush enters Canada, the Attorney General of Canada must prosecute him for torture...

Previously, on February 23 and again on March 1st L.A.W sent letters to "Prime Minister, Ministers and Members of Parliament:

There was only this reply from the Office of the Leader of the New Democratic Party, Jack Layton.

Dear Ms. Davidson,
Please be advised that we will not be following up on this letter.
Office of Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth)
Leader, Canada's New Democrats.
Bev Collins, an NDP Candidate responded:
Dear Mr. Jack Layton:
I represented the NDP party in the last federal election..I must admit I am shocked..
The fact that Canada has laws against wqr crimes, our Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, our Criminal Code of Canada, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and Convention against Torture, should make you want to stand up for these laws, so I am surprised you will be allowing a war criminal into Canada this month.
There is ample evidence of war crimes that have been conducted by former President George Bush. There are now 58 Congressmen who are demanding an inquiry into laying charges against Bush. There are international tribunals that have ruled on substantial legal evidence of these crimes as well as the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Manfred Nowak who has concluded there is proof of torture by Bush and others.
It is Canada's obligation, our duty to prevent this criminal from entering Canada, or arresting him if he lands on Canadian soil. The fact that your office has responded stating that you have no intention of following up on this matter is shameful to say the least, and it makes us ask one question - just who are you standing for, if not the laws of our land?
Your response to Lawyers Against War, will be submitted to all members and fellow organizations throughout Canada, the US and around the world. How unfortunate!

* * *
To the Good People of the World: We Need Your Help. Urgent Action: By March 17
Tell the World to Tell Canada To Arrest or Ban War Criminal Bush!
The Bush visit has been virtually unreported by the mainstream media. Most Canadians do not know that Bush is even coming to Canada, let alone what the issues are. Furthermore, as a result of the NDP's extensive influence and control over large sections of the "progressive" liberal left mainstream and their apparent decision to align with the wishes of the Canadian and US ruling class - most of the large, well organized and funded NGOs, have also refused to advocate and mobilize on this issue.
We need the international community to break the conspiracy of silence within Canada to mobilize the support to pressure Canada to comply with international law and the overwhelming majority of people the world over, who want George Bush held accountable for his crimes.
Please help, in any way you can, to grow this issue to global size and strength and then focusing that attention upon Canadian media. P:lease activate and mobilize genuinely progressive and alternative formations that you have connections with. Those with creativity, inclination and technical knowledge know how to do this. Please do so.
Students, Artists, Workers, Teachers, Techies, Geeks, Intellectuals, Children, and all with creativity, inclination and resistance to Bush Crimes of terror and genocide, please do whatever can be done between now and March 17, 2009 when the monster arrives.
Calgary is just the first stop on this War Criminal George Bush World Tour. If he escapes us in Calgary, you may find him next in your city.
Although he is an American monster, his crimes are global and it is up to all of us to stop him and call him to account. The many dead he made join with most of the living still to demand that we try.
Please sign and circulate the petition widely so that our numbers can be made known:
Those that can, please translate into other languages so we can reach others:

* * *
Please Pressure:
Government of Canada: Emails

Royal Canadian Mounted Police: War Crimes Section:

Canadian Broadcasting System (CBC)

CTV News:

Canada's Newspapers

Bush Visit Sponsors:
Bennett Jones (large, oily, powerful law firm)

Calgary Chamber of Commerce:

* * *
Good Links: Calgary Support and Organizers:
The People Vs Bush:

Protest Bush

War Criminals Out:

Lawyers Against War (LAW)

Let the World Make Trouble for Canada
so that Canada Makes Trouble for Bush
Bush Before Bashir!
International Criminal Court (ICC)

Foreign Representatives in Canada

Thank You - Please forward widely/quickly
(hope these links work)
btb: Beating the Bushes
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