Please join us to hear more about Tamar's courageous stand, and to show your support to her and other refusers.
The Shministim (refusenik school leavers) UK tour
Tamar Katz, 19-year-old Israeli refusenik
Time: Thursday 5 March, 7-9pm,
Venue: The Twelve Pins pub, next to Finsbury Park station

Sponsor: Hosted by RMT London Transport Region and Finsbury Park RMT
Tamar Katz is a 19-year-old Israeli who has refused to serve in the Israeli army. Israel requires all young men and women to serve in its army, and Tamar has served three prison sentences for her refusal. She explains: “I refuse to enlist in the Israeli military on conscientious grounds. I am not willing to become part of an occupying army, that has been an invader of foreign lands for decades, which perpetuates a racist regime of robbery in these lands, tyrannizes civilians and makes life difficult for millions under a false pretext of security.”
Please join us to hear more about Tamar's courageous stand, and to show your support to her and other refusers.

RMT's London Transport Regional Council and Finsbury Park branch invite you to a Reception to meet and support Tamar Katz, Israeli army refuser.
More about Tamar Katz:

More about Israeli army refusers, the Shministim:

More about RMT's policy and campaigning on Israel and the Palestinians: