Part 1

Part 2

March feature

In Moscow for the Global week of action against HLS shareholders there was an action in front of The Bank of New York Mellon. This bank invests money in activities, connected with animal experiments in HLS. About 60 activists came to bank office, but only 10 of them was left there, because authorities gave permition only for 10 people. Because of police demand, others had to get further away from the building.
Those, who participated in this action, report that police was very rude and tried to prevent the distribution of information leaflets. Although this is not a violation of law. Two of the activists without any reason were seized and taken to police station. During this seizure, other activists, that were standing with banners, started yelling: "Animal defense is not a crime!". These two activists were freed after writing statements.
The rest of the action was without accidents. Activists were shouting: "Bank of New York, stop your bloody business!", "Shame on the Bank of New York Mellon!", "For humane science - yes! For alternatives - yes! For vivisection - no!", "Bank of New York Mellon, your money - blood money!".
Employees of the bank seemed to be interested in the action, they were peering out of the windows, workers of the nearby buildings also got interested, some of them went out on the street, asked questions, took information and gave some words of support.

More about SHAC Russia, (in Russian):


Friday, 27th February
Paris activists against the financial support of HLS and in solidarity with the 7 UK SHAC prisoners.
Justice does not exist in this world. Animals are killed every day by greedy people and those who oppose them are put into jail. As we knew about the London march, we also decided to support the day and protest agianst HLS financial collaborators. We dedicate these actions to the 7 activist prisonners, we give unquestionning support to them and to their struggle.
Demo 1 - NYSE Euronext
First demo, we were in front of the building, those people were ashamed and avoid to come in front of the windows. But we saw some employees comming outside to smoke cigarettes or for lunch. We told them, that we know, who they are, they are people who only live for profit. But you can't make profit from animal's agony whitout consequences, we are the consequences and we will never stop. You may be protected by the state's justice but you can't stop the people justice's.
Demo 2 - One of the largest Barclays banks in Paris
Second demo. We were in the rich and famous quarter of "Champ Elysée" in Paris. When we began our demo, we learnt that they have closed the bank for our demo. We saw the employees inside, we exposed them to the public how wicked Barclays Bank are, so they closed the curtains on the windows. What cowards those people are who support the animal torture. We saw your customers asking why you closed the bank and the reason of the demo, so we told them Barclays that you use their money for torturing animals. They were shocked and wanted to close their account ... What a bad choice investment choice HLS makes in this world crisis.
Demo 3 - Barclays' office
Barclays' office is hidden in a large building and we only saw some security guards while protesting outside. But now all the neighbourhood around Barclays knows who and what you are and they gave us their support. Now you have a very bad reputation Barclays. Stop your financial support for HLS, because we will never stop, until all are free.
Human & Animal Liberation !

Friday, 27th February
Activists in Milano held two demos outside Barclays offices. Barclays is the main shareholder of HLS and the NYSE. This is a good reason to get into the streets, take some posters, a banner, leaflets and megaphones, in order to name and shame this company.
The first demo was at Barclays Premiere in the heart of Milano. This was the third demo in a month in this place, very visible and a perfect site for demos with many people passing by.
After that we moved to another Barclays building, just in time for their lunch break and to be seen by hundreds of workers. We explained the reasons for our fight against vivisection, against HLS and Barclays and got quite a good support.
It was heartening to know that during this week of action a lot of demos at Barclays and other HLS shareholders all over the world. HLS is a bad investment on all sides, Barclays, it is really better to sell those blood money shares!
Friday, 27th February
In the global week of action against HLS shareholders the activists in Bologna didn't want to miss this chance to support the week. So we had two demos which took place in front of the two most important Barclays offices in the city; around ten people named and shamed this company about the bad business they're doing day after day dealing with Huntingdon Life Sciences.
Demo 1 - 10:30am Barclays, Via Riva di Reno 37
One month ago, during our first demo in front of this office, we said to workers and managers we would come back soon! As usual with some restrictions by the police, but for almost two hours we chanted out our rage against a company that is currently dealing with HLS and is the largest shareholder in HLS (LSR), it should be no surprise for such an unethical bank as Barclays whose track record with arms trade, etc.
We're talking about a bank, a financial company where money and profits come first. Many people showed an interest in the demo and many passers-by received our leaflets, in the meantime people inside the office started to show nervousness and tension most of all because today was an important day for the office, a couple of big customers were inside and surely they didn't appreciated to be associated with the cruel images of beagles and monkeys tortured in the name of "science"! Barclays, we will continue to protest while you continue your involvement with HLS where 500 animals killed every single day!
Demo 2 - 3:30pm Barclays - Strada Maggiore 104/b
The second office is really close to the center of the city, a place which is more difficult to reach some workers and managers reactions inside the highrise office but where it's really easy for us to take action with our megaphones and to spread the message against HLS and Barclays. Lots of people passed on the street and their attention was perfectly drawn by our posters and made it clear enough why we were there...
Barclays: you're dealing with HLS and it means: dealing with us! You make money exploiting animals and poisoning humans and the whole ecosystem!
For more information: