"I have given you your woman." Had been a joke whispered by Silvio Berlusconi Nicolas Sarkozy in a press conference, during the Italo-French summit which was held Tuesday at the Villa Madama. Nobody, or almost, had managed to steal. The "Cavaliere" had stopped for a moment the French president as he was explaining the results of the summit.
"I and Silvio Berlusconi - he explained at the time Sarkozy - we did recognize the type of degrees higher than that so far there was ...". The premier was then approached, saying to whisper a phrase that immediately Sarkozy had cleared with a sheepish smile. The head of Eliseè was hastily returned to his official speech, cut short: "I'm not sure having to repeat."
The mysterious words has aroused the curiosity of the French media. Wednesday evening, the evening broadcast on Canal +, "Le Grand Journal", has translated the lip of Berlusconi, reconstructing the exact words. "Moi je t'ai donné your woman," said Berlusconi mixing the two languages. The allusion to Italian Carla Bruni as a good for export is clearly not pleased to Sarkozy. Neither the French presenters who have made a gaffe on the number of ironies, giving Berlusconi "the Oscar of vulgarity."
The Bruni, on the other hand, did not hide the discomfort in the past for what the French call "déplacé humor, irony out of place, the premier. On 8 November, after the "Cavaliere" had praised the "tanning" of Obama; the first lady Bruni had confessed to the satisfaction of becoming French.
(27 February 2009)