Hypocrisy embodied, Inhofe hurls thunderbolts at “eco-terrorists” and has waged war against the forces of resistance that alone can save this planet, while himself being one of the greatest terrorists on the planet today. Inhofe blasts environmentalists following sound science as fear-mongers, while in reality he himself peddles fear about the threat of “eco-terrorism,” trying to make the public think the problem is with animal and environmental activists rather than corporations and corrupt politicians.
To appease a handful of large energy and oil companies, Bush, Inhofe, and others in government have mortgaged the future of life on this planet. The sooner the world’s peoples recognize the true threats and formulate proper political strategies, the better able our species will be to effectively address the crisis that will unfold with increasing intensity and destructive power.
Never before has humanity faced such a crisis. Never before have we needed to form a collective will. Never before has radical, revolutionary, militant, and totally immoderate forms of political struggle been more necessary than now.