02/02/09: Armament company attacked with stones and color
09/02/09: Van torched
09/02/09: Stones and bottle against luxurious condo-project
12/02/09: Neonazi shop attacked
Berlin, 2 of February 2009
A claim which reached us:
„On monday the 2 of February we payed a visit to the offices of Rohr, district Mariendorf, and we torched his car.
Armament company attacked with stones and color
Hamburg/Kiel, 2 of February 2009
Claim of the attack:
„On the night from the 1 to the 2 of February, we rendered nicer the armament company Northtrop Grumman, sited in the Woltmanstr.19 in Hamburg and the Marine Logistic (Marlog) sited in the Werltstr. 179, Kiel, by using stones and color.
Through this action, we want to adress us against the gathering of international politicians of the NATO State members, their accomplices, armament industrialists such like Northtrop Grumman and Marlog and to the Army, who will all meet at the beginning of February 2009 at the 45 conference for the security politic, taking place in Munich.
They want to meet there, in order to improve the civilian-military cooperation.
This means war and oppression for millions of people.
We also see this action as a contribution to the beginning of the protests against the 60 years festivities of the NATO happening in Baden Baden and Strasbourg at the beginning of April 2009.
Against capitalist globalization and worldwide war politic of NATO States which leads to a further militarization of societies to their inside and to the outside!
Action Group against militarism and capitalism
Source: Interim
Van torched
Berlin, 9 of February 2009
A van has been torched by unknown persons in the early hours of Monday morning in the Liberdastr., Neukölln, and completly destroyed by the flames.
A further car as also the shutters of a shop got slightly damaged by the flames, so the police.
Since one can not exclude a political motivation for the arson, state security investigates.
Source: Berliner Zeitung
Stones and bottle against luxurious condo-project
Berlin, 9 of February 2009
Unknown persons threw stones and bottles full of color against the facade of a house sited in the Dresdnerstr., Mitte.
Since this house is considered being of the upperclass, one can not exclude a political motivation behind it, so the police.
State security investigates.
Source: Berliner Zeitung
note for english-speaking readers: this luxurious house built on the border between Kreuzberg and Mitte has been already victim of attacks during the past.
Neonazi shop attacked
Magdeburg, 12 of February 2009
During the last night there has been clearly an color attack taking place in Magdeburg against the neonazi Thor Steinar shop „Narvik“.
Since its moving last January, things got quieter around the „Narvik“.
The new shop is oin the Halberstadtstr. 82, is bigger and protected with massive brown woodplates.
One hosted often public protests and night visits against the old shop.
Both things did not happened until now against the new shop sited in the district of Sudenburg.
One can just hope that more actions will take place in the future against the neonazi shop.
Thor Steinar to cloth!
Source: Indymedia
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19.02.2009 15:28
Steve Discombe