All in all 15 000 people protested against the nazis. Thousands of police enabled the nazis`march through the city.
Though police used full force against the counter-protesters, they managed to attack several police vans. The pics show cops and counter-protesters.
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15.02.2009 12:11
The allied holocaust
16.02.2009 00:45
"God, I hate the Germans..." (Dwight David Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944, so no surprise that shortly after the slaughter in Dresden, Eisenhower ordered the US army in Germany round up any demobbed German soldiers it could fine. Over 1.7 million were corralled into over 200 POW camps, where 1.3million were starved to death over the weeks to follow.
Both sides, both guilty of vile attorcities. We should work together to ensure it doesnt happen again, rather then thousands fighting thousands over the same issues on the streets.
The General
please delete
16.02.2009 10:52
querfront watch
Sad but true
16.02.2009 12:15
once again
16.02.2009 13:46
we do not want to hear nazi propaganda like '500,000 Germans died in the allied 'Holocaust'. It's a blatent Nazi lie and revisionism trying to infiltrate civil society and anti-war movements. If we now start promoting the views of the Nazi marchers in Dresden instead of criticising the resurgent fascist movement, where will that lead us???
querfront watch
contradiction in terms?
16.02.2009 21:11
Surely people are fighting the neo-nazis on the streets precisely to ensure that atrocities like those that happened in WW2 don't happen again?
nazi lies
18.05.2009 13:49
It was an atrocity, but not on the scale of the Holocaust.
1.6million Germans killed is the figure for ENTIRE deaths during the German withdrawal from the East - NOT deaths in allied POW camps. It included for instance, deaths from disease and starvation due to the German army's scorched earth policy, retributions against former war criminals and collaborators and the wider German population in Eastern Europe, and deaths in German actions behind the lines.
That there were war crimes by the Allied militarists is beyond question. But comparing these to Nazi atrocities is like saying there is no difference between the Nazis and any military force. All militarisms are evil, but the Nazis were pure evil, beyond pure and simple militarism.
fuck nazis