The fallout of what to all intents and purposes amounts to fraud on a monumental scale that has brought Britain itself to the verge of Bankruptcy is playing itself out right across the land as the economy falls off of the edge of cliff as the banks increasingly refuse to lend.
There needs to be a wholesale clear out of the UK banking system which means making ALL those who had ANY part in the crisis in their respective institutions redundant, including scrapping all of the board of directors of the banks in which Britain now has a direct capital stake and literally unlimited exposure."
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The worst thing about that outfit is that they lead to a very bigotted rightist in "Robert Prechter has made available for free his in-depth 60 page Deflation Survival Guide e-book." who uses unecessary adjectives while failing to call for appropriate judicial hangings for those guilty of destroying Capitalism.
There are no proposals that those who sold the unsustainable Mortgages be identified and prosecuted. There are two classes on people due for punishment for fraud in that - those who persuaded those who could not afford to make their repayments to sign up for the debt, and those who bundled such debts and sold them on to Bank institutions.
If the institutions of the State are not up to doing that, and renouncing all such fraudulent debts, then the State itself becomes an irrelevance, it is time for conscientious Capitalists to join with any Anarchists who have the gumption to riot to remove the State.